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Everything was fairly smooth sailing up until the first day of March when Hermione went into labor. According to Draco, it was in the middle of class when the contractions started. She brushed it off for awhile until they finally became too unbearable and she finally decided to do something about them. She had told Ron, and he whisked her off to the Hospital Wing immediately. Draco had run off to find Harry, but like most days, he had been perched up on the Astronomy Tower, gazing out over everything he could see.

It took Draco a while to find him, but when he did, he explained in a rush what happened, and soon they were both rushing to the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey wouldn't let them in, so Draco and Harry sulked outside the Hospital Wing. They sat on the floor in complete silence for what seemed like hours. Draco toyed with Harry's hand, studying it intently, moving the fingers, simply studying it while Harry waited for any word on Hermione's condition.

"I hope she's okay," Harry finally said, resting his head against the brick wall behind him, sighing deeply. Draco scooted closer to Harry and rested his head on the younger boy's shoulder, kissing his jaw lightly. He relaxed at the touch and moved his hand so he could intertwine their fingers together. 

"You know her better than I do, and even I know she won't let something like childbirth affect her more than it absolutely has to. She's tough, Harry, and you know that." Harry nodded in response, sighing deeply. "You look absolutely exhausted, you should get some sleep."

"I don't want to leave-" Draco waved his hand to interrupt him, and the blond pulled himself into a sitting position. 

"C'mon, you can sleep right here." Harry didn't argue. He sprawled out on the floor and rested his head in Draco's lap, relaxing as finger starting running through his hair. It didn't take him long to fall asleep, his body was craving it, he needed it desperately. Draco was tired too, truthfully, but he had to stay awake in case Ron ran out here and... oh, if Ron came out here it would be physically impossible to sleep through his excitement. 

Draco moved a bit, careful to make sure Harry didn't wake up and slipped into a more comfortable position, letting his eyes slip shut. Last night neither of them had properly gotten sleep, they stayed up all night talking once again, and it was pleasant, as every night with Harry was, but it felt... more peaceful. Draco relaxed further and finally slipped into slumber.


The boys both woke up to Madam Pomfrey in the early hours of the night, explaining how Hermione had her baby and she and Ron were asleep while she tended the baby, and if the two boys so desired they were welcome to sleep in the Hospital Wing until morning. She told them usually only family would be permitted to see them at this point, but they were practically family anyway. Harry was quick to agree, so she led them to a bed across from theirs.

"As long as you stay quiet. And tomorrow I'm sure they'll introduce you to the child, so for now just rest. I'm absolutely positive they won't mind you being in here, Ron kept begging me to let you in." They nodded in agreement, hardly noticing her words as they were still half asleep. Harry laid down and Draco practically climbed on top of him, securely wrapping his arms around him. 

"Maybe one day this could be us," Harry whispered. Draco tensed up. This could never be them because at the end of the year... he still needed to find an heir, his father would be furious if he didn't. Even now, his father had been threatening him, telling him to leave Harry. He didn't respond to his father's letters anymore, they hurt him too much. He knew what he had to do without his father reminding him every other day.

"Last time I checked, neither of us can give birth," Draco teased. Harry snorted but said nothing more, he just kissed the top of Draco's head. The older boy relaxed at the gesture because Harry didn't know what he was going to do, what he was planning to do. Draco shut his eyes tightly and forced back the tears that so desperately wanted to spill. This was going to kill him, Draco knew it, it would kill both of them. "I love you." 


They woke up the next morning to a baby crying. Draco was off Harry the second his eyes opened, and mere seconds later they were both by Hermione's bedside, where she lay, feeding the baby. Ron was awake too, gazing lovingly at his fiancee and the mother of his child. Harry felt a rush of pride surge through him, his best friends were parents and they made him the godfather, he felt honored in every way.

"She's beautiful," Draco murmured, grasping Harry's hand tightly. Hermione looked up at them tiredly and smiled. The baby was done eating now, and just comfortably sleeping in Hermione's arms.

"Do you want to hold her?" Hermione offered. Draco's eyes widened, and he nodded rapidly, holding out his arms so he could take Rose. Hermione gave her over and slumped back into the bed while Draco stared down at the baby with wide eyes. He'd never held a baby before, truthfully, but after watching other people do it so often he felt like he knew how. He was genuinely surprised Hermione had let him hold Rose before Harry got to, and he was surprised Ron had even let him at all.

"She's so small," Draco whispered.

"Yes, well, she is a baby," Harry reminded him. "Whose last name does she have?"

"Both," Ron replied. "Rose Granger-Weasley, your goddaughter." Harry beamed at the words, smiling down at the small bundle in Draco's arms. "Might as well be your goddaughter too, Draco, since you and Harry are practically attached at the hip. If something happened to us and him, we'd want you to have her." That was it, Draco's heart melted and he let a few tears slide down his cheeks.

"Really?" Hermione and Ron both nodded. "I'm honored, I- are you sure?"

"You've changed, Draco, a lot. For the better, too. Instead of a godmother we might as well name you a second godfather, I know we didn't exactly ask, but would you be up for the task?" Hermione asked him. He couldn't speak, he just nodded in reply. "Ginny might be a bit hurt, but she'll get over it."

"You're both going to be amazing parents, I can already tell," Draco assured them. He knew they both had their doubts, everyone in the room had their doubts about themselves. But Draco knew that Ron would be a good father, a mixture of strict and fun, just the right amount of both. Hermione would be caring and loving, she'd probably give in to Rose's every wish once she got old enough to speak.

"I still can't believe I'm a father," Ron admitted. "But I'm so happy that I am." Turns out, Draco was just as much as a friend to them now as Harry was. They hadn't been through as much with him as they had with Harry, but that didn't change a thing, there was no one else they would've had in that room than Draco and Harry, the two godparents of their baby.


this is short and sweet i hope you don't mind

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