Chapter 21:

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Sophia POV:
I woke up in a unfamiliar place, I was in a room  filled with books. "Where the am I?" I said to myself. Then all of a sudden the door opens. I look to see how it was and it was Lucas. *whew* it's just Lucas. "What am I doing here?" I said with confusion. "Yesterday night I was taking a night walk through the park and then all of a sudden I see you asleep at a bench. I tried calling Caleb but he wasn't answering so I just brought you to my house." He said setting down a tray of food on my lap. "Oh. Well thank you for taking me into your house. But I have to get going." I said starting to get up. "Wait, eat some breakfast before you leave." He said stoping me. "I'm not that hungry." I said putting on my shoes. "Come on, eat for the baby." He said smiling. I thought to myself for a second, I have to remember I'm caring something very precious in my belly. I touch my stomach, "Okay then, for the baby." I said with a weak smile.

"So, why were you sleeping on the bench yesterday?" Lucas asked me. "Umm..." I said thinking about a lie to make up. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." He said cutting into his pancakes. "It's kind of complicated." I said. "Well do you want me to drop you off home when we're finished eating breakfast?" He asked me. "It's okay I'll just walk home." I said poking into half a strawberry. "I can drop you off it's no problem." He said. "It's okay I need a walk to cool my mind." I said looking at him. "Here have some more pancakes, for the baby."
He said placing 2 pancakes on my plate. "It's okay." I said putting my fork and knife down. "No please have some more I've made plenty." He said smiling widely. "Thank you." I said, then continued to eat because these pancakes were bomb.

Caleb POV:
I've been looking for Sophia all night long until it was morning. Until I get a call from our butler Luis that Sophia was at a friends house. So I was walking home until I see Sophia walking out with a guy. I ran towards them, "Sophia, what are you doing with him." She said goodbye to her friend and continued to walk. "Answer me god damn it!!" I said raising my voice a bit. "I don't want to talk to you." She said softly with sadness. I grabbed her by the arm and said,"Who is he?" I said with anger. "He's no one, just a friend. Now let me leave. She said with tears going down her face. "No..." I said with fear. "I don't want you to leave me." "Well if you didn't cheat on me then I wouldn't leave you. But you hurt me and my heart is in pieces. Do you even know how much I loved you? Was I too ugly? Was I not good enough? What was I not good at, that made you want to cheat on me?? Tell me." She said now sobbing. It broke my heart, I hate seeing her like this. I like the happy Sophia not the sad Sophia. All I can spit out was, "I'm so sorry." "No! I can't forgive you this time. You hurt me way to much. The nights when you didn't come home I would cry myself to sleep. The time you left me all alone I said to myself that 'no my husband would never cheat on me. He loves with all his heart.' But nope I was wrong. He didn't love with all his heart. I'm done. I gonna go home and pack my things and leave. So I never have to see your face again." She said sobbing and getting out of my hold, walking away from me. But this time I didn't stop her. I let her go... I just lost the love of my life. And it was all my fault...

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. Where do you think Sophia going? Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and follow me.❤️❤️

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