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You push him away playfully .

Y/N :
Everyone knows that . What are you talking about ? Like all of us like each other.

He grab your shoulder tightly . Look into your eyes .

Jimin :
Look Y/N ! I really like you notonly as a friend but also .. As a girlfriend ?

Your cheek blushed .

Jimin :
So do you like me ? As a boyfriend ?

Y/N :
Yes !!! * his eyes grew bigger * You lose !!!

You jumped out from the bed and dance around . He look at you confused .

Jimin :
Wait ! What was that for ??!

Y/N :
Remember our deal ? You said you will never ever fall for me . But turns out you are wrong .

You dance around happily .

Jimin :
Ok fine whatever , but I'm serious . I have feelings for you . Since the first time when we meet . I LIKE YOU Y/N . CAN YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND ?

" omo ! "

Y/N :
Erm . Yes ???

He jumped out and hug you .

Jimin :
Oh my gawd. Thank you so much . * look at you * I promise I will take care of you and only protect you .

Y/N :
Awww , that's so sweet . *hug him back*

Both of you had great times together . Without realising it , you already fall asleep while watching the movie.

Next morning .....

You wake up and saw Jimin is gone .

You look around but there's no sight of him.

" where is him ?? "

About 30 seconds past , he finally appear with a wide smile on his face .

Jimin :
Morning Y/N ahh , did you sleep well ?

You nod and smile .

Jimin :
What a relieve . Here I bought some breakfast for you .

Both of you enjoy breakfast together .

You suddenly remember last night . You and Jimin are finally a couple .

You look at Jimin and keep day dreaming .

Jimin :
Y/N , do you want to go out for a shopping ? I think you need a lot of clothes .

You snap back to reality . You look at him .

Y/N :
Oh no need . I have plenty of them .

Jimin :
Okay then.

Y/N :
Jimin .... * he reply yes * Can you make our relationship as a secret . I dont want your mom or the members to find out about us . Oh else the fan will start hating you , for dating a maid .

Jimin :
What do you mean ? You not a maid but my bride now * your cheek blush * I want to show you off , but I'm too afraid other boys will want to steal you away. But dont worry , i wont tell .

He smiled .

Jimin :
About you and Suga ? You guys still dating ?

Y/N :
Nah . We are not dating . Not even once .

Jimin :
Really ? Thats great . He seems like to care about you .

Y/N :
Pffff , every boy care about me okay .

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