Tempting Her

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Sharp blue eyes, straight nose, red cherry plum lips and strong jawlines, tall and dark. Faelis Erickson has to crane her neck and froze until her white thin blouse was splashed in iced cuppucino cup the guy held.

"Do you have eyes?" The sinful hot species opened his mouth and poured the most rotten words only scumbag utters.  What the fuck? This asshole splashed his coffee all over me and asked for my eyes?

I opened my mouth in unadulterated raged but nothing came out.

"I don't have time for this" A gruff voice muttered and gave me the handkerchief and half jog half sprint off and left shaking in pure raged and wet blouse alone on this crowded campus.

If I see that prick once again I'll cut his dick off! Tons of people he chose to crash into me without any apologize. My day truthfully ruined.

Only 5 years later Fae meet her only nightmare of a dick again but this time she didn't even recognize her as a boss, an asshole perverted one in her eyes. Only Faelis knows that, her boss was not a He but a She. On another parallel point was that Reef Ivanov never forgets her crushed, literally. Her wild crimson hair matched her lips as her bright pink cheeks lit her face as she poured the only cup she had on her, her day was partly ruined because he found a fiery angel.


"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Her lips caress the shell of my ear as her big callous hand gripped my hips in tight grasped. My lips parted as I closed my eyes at the sensation, my knees quivered to her sound. My moist inner cave responding by throbbing shamelessly to her hand. I did the only things that girl my age does, I raised the jutted of my high heel and stomp hard on her boot. Her scream echoed around the empty office we're in.

"I don't believe in loving asshole at all." I bitted out sarcastically and smirked at her scrunch up face as she hopped on her single feet.

Fuck Fae, you just go against your boss, way to fuck up your first career.

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