Chapter 17 - The Bandits Return

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The next day, Dan and Phil were inseparable. They held hands under the table, and wouldn't let each-other out of sight.

Evelyn made sure to keep quiet about their relationship, because she's not totally sure they want to be found out. But still. they're acting all lovey-dovey in front of everyone, so it's not going to be a secret for long.

"You know what?" Evelyn suddenly said while everyone was hanging out in the living room.

"What?" Troye asked.

"Dinner last night wasn't much," Evelyn continued. "I was saving the steak in the back for a special occasion. I feel that this would be the right time. I also have my family's special dishes stored in the garage. We could have a feast tonight!"

"Are you sure? I mean, using your family's special dishes and steak on us?" Tyler asked.

Evelyn nodded. "Positive. I feel this is the right time."

She showed the youtubers the freezer where the steak was stored. Marcus got it out and set the frozen pieces of meat in the sink to warm up. Joe went out with Lyndi to get the other food from the garage.

"How much steak do you have?" Tyler asked Evelyn as himself, Troye and Evelyn got ready to prepare the meal.

Evelyn shrugged. "Dunno. My granddad took care of getting the steak in the first place."

"You mean your grandparents killed their own cows for meat?" Troye asked.

"Yeah, to save money. Although, they did buy some from the store now and again. They were pretty rich before my granddad had a heart attack a few years ago. That's why I'm here now, because we were visiting to make sure they were doing alright." Evelyn said while grabbing a few spices out of a nearby cupboard.

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound was heard. The three, with everyone else ran outside to the front porch to see where the sound came from.

Joe was on the stairs of the porch, food was everywhere.

"Joe!" Marcus said. "Are you ok!?"

Joe got up. "Yeah... I'm alright. Sorry about the food Evelyn. I'm sure if we wash it it'll be fine."

He looked at Evelyn, but didn't get a response. Evelyn was staring out at the woods, fear ran through her eyes. Everyone followed her gaze but didn't see anything.

"What is it Evelyn?" Troye asked.

Evelyn snapped out of it. "We have to hide. They know we're here and we have to hide!" Evelyn ran back into the house, followed by everyone else.

"Evelyn, what do you mean?" Lyndi asked.

"I mean the bandits. They heard us. I Know they heard us." Evelyn turned around.

"Then we fight." Marcus said. "We can take them out."

Evelyn nodded. "I have my own sniper, I could help-"

"You stay here." Phil interrupted. "You need to hide, we'll take care of them. You're just a girl."

"Who knows how to fight." Evelyn added. "I know how to shoot, I could help."

"We'll take them." Dan said. "You hide in the dumbwaiter you told us about before."

Evelyn was about to argue back, but a yell interrupted her.

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