Doomfist x Reaper

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Requested by @TrueSniver

Reaper POV

I was looking over the plans for our upcoming attack on Volskaya industries until I heard a knock on the door. 'What is it?' I growl, yanking the door open to reveal a terrified Talon soldier. 'The new recruit Sir, he's here!' The Soldier stuttered and then practically ran away. 'Finally!' I grumbled as I make my way to the Foyer to meet this new recruit. I saw a tall, muscular man with a metal arm standing there, he was well over 6 foot and was wide. He towered above but I didn't feel intimidated, 'Doomfist reporting for duty.' His thick Jamaican accent sent a shiver down my spine and his piercing eyes actually made me feel slightly afraid. But I didn't show it, 'Let's get something straight punk! I'm in charge around here and I give the orders. Also if you ever try and betray Talon it won't end well for you... got it? I said in my scariest voice trying to intimidate him. Then he did the most unexpected thing, he laughed and laughed until he was doubled over.

'You are trying to scare me you silly little man! Nice try but I can't be intimidated that easily.' His manner of speaking shocked me as nobody laughed at me EVER. This man would be no exception and I growled at him 'Don't worry I will scare you rookie and it'll give you nightmares for weeks!' I snapped. 'Try me!' He chuckled. I reached up to my face and closed my fingers around my mask removing it. The mess that was my face caused him to freeze and he started to tremble slightly. 'How you feelin' rookie? Scared yet?' He nodded and gulped. 'Get to your quarters I hissed as I placed the mask back in my destroyed face and he hurried away. Under my mask I did something I hadn't done in years, I smiled. He was just like I had been when I started at Overwatch, cocky and young. My stoney expression returned as I remembered why I had left, I marched toward the conference room. I had been cocky and look what happened to me, surely this Doomfist would have the same outcome. 


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