Iwaizumi Hajime

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A/N- (f/c) = favorite color, ok hope you enjoy

Ever since you could remeber there was alway this one guy in your grade, trying oh so hard to get your attention. Of course undeknownst to him, he already had. But you liked getting chased so you never told him a thing about it. "(L/n)!" You heard the familiar males voice call out from behind you. You tunred around to face him and smiled at the guy panting infront of you. Oh how much you loved this game of cat and mouse, but oh how much it annoyed you how slow that cat was. "Yes Iwaizumi?" You asked, looking down at him as he clenched his knees trying his best to steady his breath before continueing. "The school dance *pant* you *pant* me *pant*." He said looking up at you from the position he was in, a slight pink dusting over his cheeks. So cute. You pretended to ponder what he said, letting out a little hum as if you where thinking really hard. "Ok." You said happily before turning around and walking away, leaving a smilig Iwaizumi behind you. Maybe it's about time you showed him his efforts weren't in vein. 

The school dance wasn't for another three days, but you wanted to look killer, so you spent the two days before looking for the best dress you could without looking like it was prom. You needed something simple, yet something that would make everyone's jaw drop when they saw you, the heart exploding dress was to be saved for prom. After three hours of searching for a dress, your mom finally showed you one that was perfect. It was (f/c), and it went just above your knees in the front and a bit longer in the back of it, with an open back, and a very fitted form at the top, but a bit looser when it got to the skirt, to give it shape and flow. "This is perfect!" You exclaimed excitedly as you ran into the fitting room to try it on, it fit like a glove, and you couldn't be happier at how it looked on you.


You had your mom drop you off, explaining that you wanted your dress to be a surprise when you saw Iwaizumi's dissapointed face because he couldn't be the one to take you. You walked into the entrance of the school, and Iwaizumi looked as if he was about to die from a heart attack. "Holy sh*t (f/n)! You look amazing!" He said, he looked as if he was about to have a heart attack. You smiled as you played with a strand of you (h/l) (h/c) the fell perfectly. "Thank you." You said with a smile as you latched yourself onto the males arm and walked further into the school with him.

"Wow, is that even "f/n)? She looks hot!" You heard Hanamaki comment from beside you, you looked at him and smiled, but Iwaizumi looked at him groweled as he pulled you closer to him. You giggled a little at how over protective he was being around his teammates. "(F/n) follow me." He said as he pulled you out of the gym to a spot where it was quieter, the ocasionall couple making out on the side of the building, but that didn't bother either of you.

"What is it Iwa?" You asked, the sudden nickname making his cheeks light up. "Look (f/n) I've liked ever since our last year of middle school, and you know that already, l-look what I'm trying to say is, (l/n) (f/n), will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, looking into your eyes, his expression filled with hope. It didn't surpreise you that this was going to happen, but it didn't fail to make your heart skip a beat and make your cheeks turn red. "I would love to!" You said happily as you forcfully pulled him into a hug. "I love you (f/n)." He said into you collarbone. "I love you too." You said as he pulled away and crashed his lips onto yours.

You could hear whistleing and congragulations from the other team members behind you, but you ignored them, just enjoying the moment and the new found feeling in your chest.

Just a cute little thing I came up with, I was trying so hard not to squeal while writing this, but let me tell you, I had no idea what I was going to write for this chapter until this song came on on shuffle and I was like bam idea, hope you guys like it, and if you don't know who 24k is you should so totally check them out, I highly recomend it, their music is awesome! 😊❤

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Matukawa Issei x reader

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