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Hoseok glared at Yoongi which caused the two bodyguards to become more tense.

Hoseok clicked his toung and raised a eyebrow before instantly moving forward causing his face to be inches apart from Yoongi.

"Get the hell away from him" he stated spiteflu causing Taehyung to pushed through the crouds of people to pull hoseok back, he bowled to the men apoligeticly.
"i..sorry he didn't mean to be this rude...h....its just a stressful day so...."

Yoongi let out a sigh filled with annoyance before rolling his eyes and tugging Jimin away which made Hoseok explode as he jumped on Yoongi and grabbed his coler. Yanking it back and fourth as he tooma step forward "after all this time you deside to come back! Huh asshole !! DO YOU KNOW HOW HE FELT ALL THIS TIME"

Yoongi looked tiresomly as he bit the side of his lip and glared at Hoseok with his sharp eyes "maybe i didn't have a chance to because of a certain someone" Yoongi said calmly but with a slight edge to it as he looked down at Jimin who had no idea what was happening.

"Id never hurt him, you of all people should know that"

"That's what i thought!! Till you changed into this!!!" Hoseom shouted at Yoongi ready to punch him anytime, but when he saw Jimin tucked into Yoongi's chest muffling his silent crys he coulden't make himself do it, so he let go of his coler and stared him down "if even the smallest strand of hair falls off of his head you will have to deal with me" Hoseok hissed before pushing Yoongi to the side and walking off.

"if only you went to school instead of running around playing the bad guy you'd know hair falls by itself" Yoongi huffed and pulled Jimin away, Hoseok knew Yoongi woulden't hurt Jimin. Adleast not in that way, but either way Hoseok had no say in this.

After all you can't be in the middle of the destined ones, so his feelings didn't count just like they never did. Maybe that's the reason he wants to hate the younger male so much, but he coulden't.

"H...hey will Jimin be alright" Taehyung asked while looking back but still running after Hoseok who noded unpatiently.

"There isn't much they could do to him....well Yoongi is a exception" Hoseok hissed before climbing onto his motorbike "oh i herd you finally found a boyfriend huh, who it"

Taehyung started giggling as he got onto the back of the motorbike "oh it's kookie".

Mafia pt 2 ♤Jimin X Yoongi♧Where stories live. Discover now