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Hoseok just froze and turned around to look at Taehyung.


Taehyung didn't understand why Hoseok was acting so wierd for.

"yeah we met at a caffee and he knew Jimin so he decided that he wanted to be friends with me a..and now we are going out" Taehyung chuckled as his cheeks turned into strawberries, but on the other side Hoseoks face turned pale.



Jimin nuzzled into Yoongi's chest as he was lead to a car, it felt do good being like this after so many years.
He looked up only for his eyes to lock with Yoongi's ones as he took the others hand.

"I...i miss him"

Jimin mumbled under his breath as he felt Yoongi's cold thingertips slide against his burning skin creating invisible marks that only Jimin could feel, his face was empty.

Jimin didnt realy realise where they were going untill they got to the car "....um where are we going" Jimin muttered as he leant towards the window, but Yoongi reached over and pulled Jimin back into his chest while shaking his head.

"Patience, you really haven't changed one bit have you"

Jimin blew his fringe out of his eyes in anoyyance, only to look  down.l with a small.mumble as he rubbed the side effects his cheek.

"Well you have"

Jimin scoffed as Yoongi started fiddling with his fluffy brown hair causing Jimin to jump up slightly.

"This is the only day we can be this close, so just for now."

Jimin wasn't sure what Yoongi ment by this, but he didn't mind because they were finally togeather after so long with no one inbetwren them

Yoongi was soo cold now, even more than how he use to be and maybe his personality got a bit more colder too but he still has his old caring self inside.

After a hour or so the car stopped and Jimin looked up realising where they were, it was Namjoon's house.  The smaller male looked up at Yoongi who  pulled Jimin out of the car and led him to the house gently with a small carefull smile.

Mafia pt 2 ♤Jimin X Yoongi♧Where stories live. Discover now