Chapter 28

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Ice is like lava.

That's what it's like to me, anyway.

Molten. Lava.

I shriek, sitting up, instinctively switching for my ghost side and steaming out the water. "WHAT!" is the mangled cry that comes out.

It's Ashton, holding a blue bucket and his signature grin. His eyes are duly green, like his ghostly presence is fading. His glow is very light and his blonde hair which was white now has blonde tints towards the middle.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," he faux apologizes. I growl and start smoothing my poofy hair. My power is back, sitting like a curled up snake inside my chest, seething with Sovaĝa Fajro's anger.

"What's happened?"

"So I took everyone away, like you said. I put them on a nearby ghost's island. Then I went back for you." I begin to protest but he cuts me off with a smile. "You told me to, remember?" Ohh.... right. "But there was a huge explosion. From your Heat Wave. As soon as the heat died down enough, I rushed to you. You were in human form, but your clothes still didn't burn. Weird."

"Fireproof. Continue."

"I grabbed you, and you were searing, but I guess you recognized me--"

"Sovaĝa Fajro did. Go on."

"And I brought all of you guys back to Danny's place."

"What happened to Vlad?"

"I didn't see him. Or Walker."

"There's no way he was incinerated. He's immune to fire, even the fire of justice. Unless pure flames get on his skin, anyway. So he must've been blown back at the very least, and I like to think that he is injured but I don't really know... How--"

"No, me next." He puts a finger on my lips to shush me. I jerk away, giving him a we don't have time for this look. He snickers but continues. "Who in the heck is Sovaĝa Fajro?"

"My core," I reply.

"One more thing." I close my mouth, as I'd been about to go on. "WHAT?!"

"She's the spirit of justice," I explain. "Eye for an eye and all that. When she's enacting justice, I go blind. She can pull me in and we discuss justice usually but I can be absent for it. She recognizes my allies and enemies, which is why my fire didn't burn you that first day I was a ghost."


"She can talk to me and stuff. She's pretty cool, excuse the contradiction." He smirks at that. "I don't think she approves of us, though."

"Seriously? What have I done?"

Twilight, she responds.

I start hysterically laughing and Ashton looks at me like I kicked his puppy. "Not laughing at you," I cry, still giggling. "She... Oh jeez." I breath heavily for a minute or so. "She said Twilight." I fall back into hysterical giggles and Ashton blinks, confused, before joining me.


Ashton and I can't even identify who it is, what with the tears in our eyes and our aching stomachs.

It's Jack. He jumps up on the bed and tilts his head at us. "Why don't you just make out already?"

Ashton and I throw pillows at him.

"WHAT?" he shouts, dodging the feathery projectiles.

I have a lot of pillows, but we soon run out. Now, though, we've sobered from our laughing fit. "How's Danny?" I ask.

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