Chapter 12 ~ After The Fall

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Even Death has a Heart

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy 


Stephanie's POV. 

Sun light was peeking out of the cracks of the blood red currents. The light was blinding my eyes so I turned to my left side were I laid my head softly on Thomas's chest. Hearing the rhythm of his heart beat. Ba - bum - ba -bum - ba - bum... 

My eyes fluttered open to see Thomas's black hair tangled in front of his eyes, I brushed them away; Thomas opened his beautiful icy blue eyes. He smiled down to me; I crawled up to his face, & lightly kissed his lips. "Morning..." I said cuddling into his buff arms.

"Morning my dear..." Thomas said smoothing the freeze hair on top of my messy head, & then kissed my head. I tried shifting my body closer to Thomas's chest, but suddenly pain shock through my entire body. I hissed.


"You alright Stephanie?"

"Yea, I'm fine; feeling a little sore. You left me sore." I accused him.

A smirk appeared on his luscious lips. "Did I? I guess I did my job then?"

"What if I can't walk?" I demanded.

"Then I guess I penetrated too deep. It's not my fault I've very big &-"

"Thomas!" I cut him off with my face a deep shade of crimson.

"I'm sorry, my angel." He apologized with a small grin. He placed his hand on my cheek, they were rough, & soft to the touch. I smiled.

"It's okay... After all it WAS my first time." A little shade of pink rose up in my cheek so did Thomas; I wasn't embarrassed anymore, not much like I used to. But then someone knocked on the door, Thomas rose from the bed, but held onto me.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's Tarros sir. I'm hear to tell you that you have an assignment from the man last night? About... Bloody Camilla... sir. She's still lose, & the man is very impassioned about it, master..."

"Who's Bloody Camilla?" I said in my head. I looked up at Thomas, his face seemed uneasy, like he was worried about it. "Is everything okay, master?" Tarros said. Thomas shook his head, & said.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be there in a few minutes. In the mean time, make Stephanie some breakfast."

"Yes, my master." Tarros said as the sound of his foot steps disappeared. I turned to Thomas who sighed nervously, laying his head back against the bed frame.

"Is... everything okay?" I said. Thomas looked down at me, smiled, & said.

"Yes, Stephanie. Everything is alright; it's just a matter of business I must tend to."

"Is it the... prisoner that escape last night?"

"Yes, but don't worry my dearest. After all I'm Death; it will be easy like a needle in a hay stack." I furrowed at him in conferment.

"How is finding a needle in a hay stake easy? It makes NO sense?"

"It makes perfect sense." I rolled my eyes; I got up out of the bed, grabbed Thomas's hand, & guide him into the master bathroom. We both got into the huge bath-tub without saying a word to each other. "Stephanie..."


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, hit me."

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