Chapter 13 ~ Shadows

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Even Death has a Heart

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy 


Thomas's POV. 

"What was Camilla planing on doing?" I thought to myself as I teleported back home. I needed to find out what's her next move, & fast.

Once I got inside my mansion, everything was quiet. I didn't heard Stephanie running down the stairs, calling out my name. I walked up the stairs, down the hallway, still no sign of Stephanie, worrying about her. I looked in the library, but Stephanie wasn't there, the dining room, wasn't there either. The checked the garden, but Stephanie was no where in sight, I grew even more worried, so I ran to our room, but as soon as I opened the door Stephanie wasn't in there either.

Then I heard foot steps coming towards me, I turned only to see Tarros running up to me, he bent down to caught his breath. "What is it Tarros? Have seen Stephanie anywhere?" I said. Tarros took a deep breath, & said.

"My master, I looked all over the mansion, but can not find her. But..."


"But then a letter came in, it's from an unknown person, my lord." Tarros grabbed the letter from his pocket, & handed it to me. I looked down at the envelope, it was written in red ink.

"I'll read it later, but for now we need to Stephanie, & fast. Look around the area of the land, see if she wondered off in the woods again."

"Yes my master." Tarros said bowing, & ran down the hallway. I walked toward my office where my crystle ball was glowing an odd color. It usually would glow rainbow colors, but now... it was glowing an egg shell color; I walked closer to it, then an image appeared. It showed me a house, then it showed inside a house a man sitting on the couch eating pizza while watching TV, & next to him was... Stephanie, sitting on the couch.

"What in heaven's name is Stephanie doing there? How did she escape?" I said to myself. Anger rose inside me like a volcano ready to erupt, but I was always felt heart broken. So, I turned my back away from the Crystal ball, sunk into the shadows, & teleported back to Earth.


Stephanie's POV. 

I stared out of my window in my bedroom, off staring into space thinking about Thomas. I couldn't shake off the thought of him; it breaks my heart just by thinking of him.

Then there was a knock on my door, Steve popped his head out of the door. I smiled, he smiled, & came into the room with a jug of freshly ground-up coffee. "How are you doing, sunny shine."

"Good." I said taking the cup, took a sip of it. Steve stared at; he seemed... unease by the pain I caused him, the fear of almost scaring him to death was just... unbearable. 

He cleared his throat, & spoke. "Now listen, I know you feel like I'm... over-reacting a bit keeping you home lately. But that man could still be around, & he knows you're important to me. I don't know what he wants with you or why, but I won't let you get away from my sight again."

"I know, I get it. I'm thankful that you're doing this for me by how much you care for me, but he hasn't been seen the day I was kidnapped, don't you think he left town, & gone somewhere else. I mean the police station, & the FBI as so fast to respond, he could've been scared off."

"It's possible, but I have a feeling that he's still around." I sighed, patted his shoulder, he took my hand, & rubbed them together to keep warm. "I'll glad that you're safe, but the cops still want to know more about the kidnapper so this Friday they'll come over to your school, pick you up, drive you to the station, & ask a few questions. Okay?"

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