Loki x reader {One shot}

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"(Y/N) wake up, it's time for work," Natasha had woken you for your first day. Your first day. You had totally forgotten it was your first day to help Loki. You immediately jumped out of bed after shooing Nat out of your room. 

     You had chosen a light yellow tee and paired it with a black blazer. You sighed as you realized you hadn't washed your pants. You called decided to call for Natasha.

     "Uh... Nat? I don't have clean pants. Could I borrow some?" 

     "Sure thing! Let me get some," 

     Natasha had shown up at your door again with a pair of light-colored skinny jeans. She tossed them to you as she exited the room. You looked at them closely and realized they aren't your size. Guess this teaches me to not procrastinate on my laundry. You pushed the thought out of your mind and put them on anyway.


          After getting dressed and mentally preparing yourself for the absolute worst, you headed towards the kitchen only to be stopped by Tony. 

     Tony reminded you about Loki. Right. Loki. You grabbed your folder full of files under his name and headed to the small prison. You look over his information until you made it to his cell. Two guards stopped you and asked for identification. You held out your card and they let you in. 

     "Who are you, mortal?" Loki growls. 

     "(Y/N) (L/N). I am your therapist. I'll be talking to you for a couple hours every day. I hope to make significant progress here, so please try and work with me.," You take a seat on his bed and pull out a notepad and a pen.

     "I do not need a mortal to counsel me. I'm perfectly fine." Loki scoffed as he looked you up and down. 

     This bothered you a bit, considering he is now staring at you. You try to make out the emotion in his eyes. Anger, of course. But something else was there. This is gonna be a long couple hours, you thought. 

     "Right well why don't you sit in that chair over there." You pointed at the chair in the corner.

     "Actually... I prefer the bed." A smirk tugged at his lips and he plopped right down next to you.

     "That's fine I guess. So, tell me. What's been on your mind recently, Loki?" 

     "Well... you're taking up all my mind now." Mischief danced in his eyes.

     You watched his smirk turn into a smile. His smile now was gone and in place was that stupid smirk again. 

     "uh..." You trailed off and gathered up your confidence. "Anyway, I've been told about your mother. I'm sorry about that by the way. Is that part of the probl-" You were cut off by Loki's lips smashing into yours. 

     Loki pulled away after a few moments and whispered in your ear, "The problem is that you aren't mine. No worries, my love. You will be mine soon."

     "bruh-" You trailed off.

uwu editing in process 

edit: no editing in process i cant lmaosifnmed vjircfed 


edit: woah thanks for reading, i wrote this so long ago uwu

edit #2: i  r e g r e t 

edit 2019: i cant read this without feeling very very embarrassed that 500 people saw this 

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