Monday: Lunes (loo-nays)
Tuesday: Martes (mar-tays)
Wednesday: Miércoles (mee-air-coh-lays)
Thursday: Jueves (hway-bays)
Friday: Viernes (bee-air-nays)
Saturday: Sábado (sah-bah-doh)
Sunday: Domingo (doh-ming-oh)
Day: El día (dee-ah)
Week: La semana (say-mahn-ah)
Weekend: El fin de semana (feen day say-mahn-ah)
Today: Hoy (oy)
Tonight: Esta noche (es-tah noh-chay)
Last night: Anoche (ah-noh-chay)
Yesterday: Ayer (eye-yair)
Tomorrow: Mañana (mahn-yahn-ah)
My birthday: Mi cumpleaños (mee coom-play-ahn-yohs)
Next: Próximo/Próxima (prok-see-moh/mah)
Last: Pasado/Pasada (pah-sah-doh/dah)
Day before yesterday: Anteayer (ahn-teh-eye-yair)
Day after tomorrow: Pasado mañana (pah-sah-doh mahn-yahn-ah)
The following day: El día siguiente (dee-ah see-gwee-ehn-teh)
The day before: La víspera (vees-peh-rah)
Learning Spanish!
RandomDo you wanna learn spanish? Well you've come to the right place! I'll teach you how to pronuce (I can't spell) things and the days of the week and more! I am copying these off from a website onto wattpad just incase you have a bad google that doesn'...