Meeting Anti

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Beep Beep Beep Beep
I woke up and slapped my alarm off, groggily getting out of bed for the new day. My [H/C] hair was a mess. My [E/C] was dark, like normal. Anyone who was looking for a evil person role to fill would turn to me. They said my skin was greyer then others and my eyes just spoke death.
I just love being called a evil murderous person. I would always think when they described why I was good for the role. Whatever. I brush out my [H/L] hair and groaned in pain when I hit the knots. Oh well, pain is beauty.

[Antisepticeye POV](BOOM BITCH!)
Dark and I were hanging out when my stomach grumbled.
"Time to go eat. Are you going to dine in or go catch fresh meat?" I thought for a second.
"I haven't gone out hunting, I guess I will do that." Dark shrugs.
"I would join but me and Madd-e have a date tonight." Madd-e was Darks girlfriend, aka, the dark side of Mark's girlfriend. Every demon seemed to have a partener. PewDeadPie had Killingpie, aka the dark side of Cutiepie. Not like I care. Love was overrated anyways. Killing yourself so the other lives? In this world, it's save yourself or you die.
"Well, have fun hunting. Bye." Dark dissapeared into a cloud of red smoke and he was gone.


As i walk into the woods i see a shadow walking towards me, so i went to hide behind a tree as i closed my eyes he starts talking to me. "Hello little girl," the man says. "Come on, open your eyes... I won't hurt you!" So i opened my eyes. He had green hair and he had a cut across his neck. "Who are you?" I said. "I am anti, nice to meet you!"

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