Cant Take It Back

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Later That Night
I called Valories phone once again. This time she answered.
Val: Why do you keep calling me?
Damien: Why the fuck aren't you answering my calls? Where are you?
Val: Far the hell away from you. You fucking psycho. I can't believe you drugged me and what you did to Nicole...Jesus you need help Damien.
Damien: Whatever she said she lied. I paid her for her services and got too drunk.
Val: Do you here how psychotic you sound Damien?? I want nothing to do with you. Dante hates me so I won't have anything to do with him either. Just leave me alone and go on with your life and let me move on with mine.
Damien: Val you said you loved me. I thought you meant that.
Val: Come on Damien. I said that while we were fucking and haven't fucking said it since. We are nothing, we were nothing, and we'll never be nothing!!!! Goodbye!!!

She hung up the phone. I threw my phone across the room in anger. I can't believe this shit!!! She can't do this to me!!!

Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I know it can't be Carla. She's at that dumb ass company party. I walked to the door and there stood my little brother Danny.

"Danny what the fuck are you doing here," I asked with a confused face. He snatched his hat off. "Look Dame, I know I'm the last man you wanna see but I ain't have nowhere to go man. I just got out," he said looking sad.

I did have compassion for him. He's the reason I got out early. He was just troubled man. We had a rough upbringing.

I grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "It's good to see you brother. Come on in man." He grabbed his bag and walked in. "Look Danny we have a lot to talk about. I gotta run real quick though. When I get back we'll go get some drinks and get you some fresh pussy."

He laughed at that and I laughed too. I dapped him up. "Love you Danny boy. I'll be back in bout a hour," I said grabbing my keys and walking out.

I had to go visit that piece of shit son of mine and make him tell me where Valorie was.

I pulled up to my pops crib around 11. Max gave me the call that everything was done. It was an easy kill and robbery. Done in less than 30 minutes. I felt a since of satisfaction. Fuck my dad. He had put me through hell and on top of took my girl and out her through hell. It was time he paid the price.

I got out the car and walked in. I saw my dads bloody body laying face down. Something was off though. I walked towards him when my phone rang. It had been ringing off the hook for the last 30 minutes. I pulled it from my pocket and the caller Id said dad. I wanted to piss on myself. What the fuck is going on?

I walked towards the body and it wasn't my dad. It was my uncle Danny. Fuckkkk fuck fuck fuck!!!! I turned around and took off as fast as I could. Tears ran down my eyes. I fucked up. I fucked up bad this time. I had my favorite uncle killed. The fuck was he even doing there Bro?

I pulled out my phone and called Max
Max: What up D? We fucked that nigga up good!!
Me: No!! No man!!
Max: You good nigga? You sound like you crying. What you had a change of heart? I thought you ain't even know the nigga.
Me: Max I paid ya'll to kill my dad, but that was my uncle ya'll popped.
Max: Nigga wtf you hired us to rob and kill yo fuckin pops? What kind of shit is this?
Me: You ain't complain when you got paid!!
Max: You right but you ain't disclose details. Look mayne, all I know is everythang else is on you. You like bruh to me, but if our names come up in anything you a dead man.

He hung up the phone and I was left with the guilt. There's no turning around from this. I had to follow through with the plan. God forgive me man!!! It ain't like I can't take it back.

I called Dante like 40 times. That little bastard wouldn't answer and wasn't at home. I decided to take my ass back home. I had a brother to celebrate with.

I pulled into my driveway and walked in. "Yo Danny lets get you dressed. It's time to go," I yelled out. No response at all. I walked towards the couch and nearly tripped over his body. I jumped to the floor. "DANNYYYYYY!!!! Wake up baby Bro please," I screamed. I checked for a pulse and he had a faint pulse still. I grabbed my phone and called 911. This shit can't be happening. This is too much. I'm a kill whoever did this shit to him!!!

I laid on the bed waiting on Dino to finish his shower. There were candles lit, the smooth sounds of maxwell filled the air, rose petals covered the bed and floor. It was such a sexy mood. 

I slid my panties off and rubbed my soft skin. My breasts were nice and aroused. I moved down to my stomach then to my opening. I lightly massages my clit....warming myself up.

"Mmmm," I moaned. I can't lie, I know I had slept a with 3 different guys and a girl recently but there was something so free about me now. I was having fun. I felt...a bit in control. Sexually that is.

I continued to rub my clit. I didn't even notice Dino was now out of the shower and watching me.

"Ay mami you started without me," he asked grinning. I climbed out of the bed and walked over to him and started kissing on his neck while stroking his dick which was now a full blown hard on. 

"Damn mama you're so sexy," he said in between kissing me. I pulled him over to the bed and pushed him down. I licked my middle finger and slid it down my stomach and into my pussy while he sat there watching. "Come here beautiful. I got a nice seat ready for you," Dino said. I walked over to him and got on top of him. I licked from his neck down to his stomach.

I came back up to sit straight up and started to straddle him without inserting him in yet. "You little tease. Give me what I want baby," he said begging. I lifted up and reached behind me and slid him in nice and slow. "Damn it Dino. I could get used to this," I said rocking back and forth lightly. Dino's dick was nothing short of amazing.

"I grinned my hips on top of him and dug my nails into his chest. "Ughhh...mmmm yes Dino," I moaned out. "Ride it. This your dick ain't baby," he said slapping me on the ass. 

He grabbed my hips and grinded into me matching my pace. "Ooo shit...damn girl," he said gripping me tighter. I squeezed my pussy around his dick as I bounced. I could tell by his face I was driving him crazy.

I started riding harder bucking against him like a wild bull when my phone started vibrating on the night stand next to his bed. I ignored it and continued riding. It was too good to stop. I needed to cum.

The vibration from my phone kept going as if somebody was ringing me back to back. I grinded harder sliding all the way down on Dino's dick each time. "Oh...oh godddd... yes... yes Dino," I screamed out. "Fuck mami I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna let it go deep inside of you mama," he said grinding into me.

Our breathing got more intense and we started going at each other like wild savages until we both came. I leaned down to kiss him before sliding off of him.

"Damn somebody was blowing you up," Dino said laughing. "Right and messing up my concentration. That loud ass vibration," I said. I picked up my phone and had 8 missed calls from.....from fucking Dante. What the fuck?

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