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i'd like to start off by saying i'm extremely grateful to the wattpad creators for building such a wonderful platform for free online reading/writing.

i love books. i always have and i always will. but, do you know what i don't like? i absolutely hate falling upon stories — ones with millions of reads and votes — and getting my hopes up for an excellent read, only to be catastrophically disappointed with the writing quality.

confused? how about this?

Greg is soooo dreamy. How is he even real? Why, oh why, God, did you create such a beautiful specimen? He has the breathtaking looks of an Abercrombie model (*melts*). Oh my!! But he would never go for a girl like me :(((. Wait a minute, is he...staring at me? OMG! OMG! OOMMGGG!!! Now we're gonna fall in love! Now we're gonna get married! Now we're gonna have baabbiieesss!! SOMEONE PINCH ME!!!


why is it so hard to find well-written stories with a well-written plot? why are stories similar to the one above getting all the recognition? there are so many writers on wattpad who pour their hearts out in their writing and get no feedback or even a read in return. these writers deserve something for their hard work, which is what this book club is hoping to achieve.

if you're interested in entering your own story, please continue on to the rules/guidelines and form.

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