The Crime That Changed Summer Bay Forever..................

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Nicole was walking on the cold, soft, wet sand until she had seen her friend Indi. Nicole had been meaning to bump into Indi this morning because they had decided to work on an assignment together.

Later on that day Nicole and Indi had decided to meet up together at the diner.

Nicole had felt embarrassed sitting there by herself with no one to talk to except for Irene, and Colleen who were all extremely busy in the kitchen.

Nicole’s phone started to ring, it was Indi, she answered the phone and asked where she had been for the last 10 minutes when Indi had interrupted and said that she was really sorry and that she forgot that she had surfing lessons. Nicole took her assignment papers and walked out of the diner towards the beach where Indi always has her surfing lessons with Romeo.

She sat down on dry sand waiting for Indi when all of a sudden she saw someone sit down beside her, she looked up to see who it was only to find Penn sitting next to her. Penn had started talking to Nicole about his childhood and why he has done some bad things in the past and that he wants to forget about the past and move on and then all of a sudden Nicole had put her hand on a needle. She interrupted Penn’s story with a high pitched “OW” which is when Penn had offered to take her to the hospital and see if she has been seriously hurt by the needle.

They arrived at the hospital and spoke to Sid and told him what had happened although Sid did not believe Penn. After they had spoken to Sid, he called Indi and told her that Nicole won’t be able to study with her this afternoon.

That night Nicole when she got home Miles had told her that Colleen had been around and had brought some thick, creamy pumpkin soup. Nicole just stormed off. Nicole did not want Colleen to find out about this and now that she has, it would probably be in tomorrow’s Summer Bay newspaper.

Nicole got up in the early hours of the next morning only to answer her phone; it was Penn who called her because he wanted to meet her down at the beach as soon as possible. Nicole then replied by saying that she is not going to the beach right now, but she will be going to the diner and that she will meet him at the beach then. She hung up the phone and went back to sleep wondering why Penn had wanted her to go to the beach this early in the morning.

She got up out of bed and got dressed into some casual clothes seeing as it was the week-end and she doesn’t have to go anywhere else.

Penn had bumped into Indi while Indi she was on her way to work at Angelo’s restaurant. All he said to her was to tell Nicole to get better. Nicole had caught up with Penn at the beach and asked him what he wanted to tell her. Nicole was surprised with what Penn had told her but yet she was also very angry and upset.

Nicole interrupted Sid and Merilyn while they were having lunch and told them who planted the needle at the beach. Later on that day Merilyn told Alf what Nicole had told her and Sid. After Alf had finished working he had bumped into Penn. Penn explained to Alf that he did not plant  the needle and that he had no idea of who done it. Alf said to him to either pull yourself into the police or I will tell them myself.


Penn had received the news paper that had been put out the front of his caravan by the paper delivery person.  He looked at the front of the newspaper, smiled and said the people of  Summer Bay people need to wake up.

Nicole could not think of a reason why Penn would do such a thing to her. Nicole was tossing and turning and could not go back to sleep, so she got up, got dressed and went for a jog along the beach to try and clear her mind.

After her jog on the beach Nicole decided that should would  have breakfast at the diner for a change. When Nicole arrived at the diner Irene had asked her what she was doing at the diner this early in the morning. Nicole said that she had a lot on her mind and that she could not sleep properly so she went for a jog along the beach to try and clear her mind and didn’t want to go home and be asked where she was by Miles and Alf. Nicole rather them see her first and not get into trouble.


Alf stormed into the diner kitchen really angry which made Leah and Irene worried because they knew that when Alf storms into any room or anywhere that something is wrong and something was on his mind.

Irene had tried asking him what happened but Alf just kept on walking and ignored what Irene had to say.

“Alf please talk to us” said an extremely worried Irene and Leah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2012 ⏰

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