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A/n : credits to my sister who worked together with me for this chap.

Location : New Orleans

Night fell.
Ong and Daniel were tired and hungry now. So they have decided to search for a hotel.
They finally decided on a good hotel where they could stay that night. It was few meters away.

As they were walking in search of that restaurant, Daniel stopped by a tiny store.
Daniel exclaimed "Heyy! Look at this. This looks exactly like the ring which my grandma gifted me when I was young. I lost it, it meant a lot to me. And this is the exact same ring."

Ong replied "Really? You're lucky. I lost something which meant a lot to me too. I think you should buy it, its a given chance"

Daniel "yeah...." And Daniel went up to the seller and asked for it's price.

And guess what? It costs a fortune. Daniel was very upset. They didn't have that much money to purchase it.

Daniel almost had tears in his eyes. Daniel walked away leaving Ong behind.
He was depressed. He found the hotel and he reserved seats for them alone.
He was waiting for Ong.

It was a classy hotel. There were many people having their dinner. It was quite.

10minutes passed by and Ong is still not back yet.
Dan was anxious.

And there he finally comes. Daniel waves at him motioning him towards their reserved table.

Daniel asked "Where were you?? I thought you were lost or something"

"I was .....umm..." Ong trailed and he started digging something in his pocket.

And suddenly a tiny blue velvety box dropped on the floor. Ong bends down to pick it up , while he was still on one knee Daniel speaks

"What are you doing?"

Ong opened that tiny box and gave it to Daniel.

"OH MY GODS!" Daniel shrieked with a wide smile planted on his face. He jumped onto Ong for a tight big hug.

Ong got him his Grandmother's ring.

Suddenly the other people present started clapping. Cheers were heard.



Manager who was just beside their table excitedly said "Today is our hotel's Anniversary and you both got engaged in our hotel...That's great! On this occasion we'd like to congratulate you with a gift. You can order whatever you want today, the bill is on us. And we can even give you discount if you'd like to stay at our hotel." The guy winked.

Ong and Daniel were shook, confused and stuck. They were still in each other's and they whispered to each other .

"He says 'free food' " Dan

"He says, he can give us discount" Ong

"What do we do?" Dan

"Let the drama begin" Ong

(Dramamaramama Dramama eyh)

They pulled out and they started thanking everyone.
Ong and Dan brought out the hidden actor in them.

Manager "Congratulations!"

"Thank you everyone"

Ong had put a hand around Daniel and smiled looking into his eyes. Everyone were like 'aww....'

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 (𝓞𝓷𝓰𝓷𝓲𝓮𝓵) ✔Where stories live. Discover now