Breakups and New Ones

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Carlos and Ben walked to their dorm room, to talk.

"Why? Is my love not enough for you?" Carlos yelled.

"What are you talking about, "Is my love not enough for you?" Carlos, Your love has always been enough for me! And you know that!" Ben yelled.

"Say it ain't so. Maybe it's--"

"Maybe it's that other people are jealous to the point that they want you to leave me for them!"


"Or maybe you want to be with them instead of me!"


"Or maybe I was waisting my time with some dirt bag excuse of a cheater!"

Carlos yelped at Ben's hand colliding with his face hardly. Carlos sobbed silently.

"Or maybe I was waisting my time with a negative, argumentive excuse of a nerd! You're just a dog! Just filthy! Go back to your abusive excuse of a mother!"

Carlos got up, growling, and kicked Ben where the sun ain't shinning for a long time.

Ben groaned loudly in pain.

"And the dog doesn't like to be messed with!" Carlos packed his clothes, and moved into his luggage into Jay's dorm.

He walked to Jay, and lip locked with him.

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