Akashi's Introduction II

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Feat. Seijuro, Hakuryuu, Hakuei, Kougyoku, Koumei, Kouen, Kouha, Judal, Karma, and Y/N

Seijuro opened the door and was tackled down.

"SEI!!! Welcome home!" You greeted Seijuro. You got off him after a few seconds.

"I'm back." Seijuro smiled. Seijuro was not the type to smile so openly, or so thought by the Teiko school citizens. Seijuro has another personality that no one at the school knows.

A personality that's like Kise, although it isn't annoying as Kise's, which is a personality where he smiled a lot more around his family members and sometimes wants attention from the older siblings. Seijuro patted your head before going to his room.

"Sei, Kouen said that he'll be your opponent for shougi." You smiled. "Good luck!"

"Thank you." Seijuro smiled again. After settling in, he walked into Kouen's room ready to win the shougi battle.

"Ready to be defeated?" Kouen asked.

Another thing that his teammates doesn't know is that he might be able to beat anyone with anything in the Teiko middle school, he never was able to win against his siblings.

Each sibling has something that they are strong with and with that, they are unbeatable. People say, there are above the upper, and that is true. Although nobody would even think there is anyone who is above Seijuro.

"I'll win this time." Seijuro confidently states. Others don't know that Seijuro knows the feeling after being defeatedand the frustration of that. Seijuro knew so much of that, that it went up to him becoming competitive towards any game.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After a couple of rounds of shougi, which Seijuro lost to, they were called by Hakuryuu that the dinner is ready. The dinner was Kinako Gohan and everyone loved it.

It seemed as Karma was wondering about what happened the time when he passed out in the shrine and Kouen explained about it. Seijuro remembered the incident that happened a few days after the Karma disappearing incident.

Kouen never missed that Seijuro was thinking about something. After dinner, Kouen stopped Seijuro and asked what's wrong.

"Never knew you were very observant, En-nii." Seijuro sighed. "I'm ok. It's just that I remembered something."

".......Ok...... Just tell me if you don't feel well." Kouen worryingly states. Seijuro nods and walks back into his room.


"Ah~ What did we need again?" You ask.

"We need onions, carrots, potato, and meat." Seijuro smiles at you. The two were sent to go to grocery shopping because you two lost the game.

Hakuryuu asked to go get some ingredients for curry. Going to the corner of vegetables, you grab the ingredients you needed.

"Is this all?"

"Yeah. Let's go to the cash register."

"No, need snacks."

"............Alright. Go get them."

"Yes! Thank you, Sei!" You ran to go get them, Seijuro following right behind you. You grabbed some snacks. "Don't you want some snacks, Sei?"

"I'll just get some gum and that'll be fine for me."

"Ok!" You grabbed the gum he requested and walked to the cash register. After going through the cash register, you two were walking until you two reached the traffic light. You were walking still until a car was about to hit you.

You closed your eyes ready for a big impact, but you felt something warm around you. You slowly opened your eyes to see Seijuro there hugging you tightly, his head resting on your right shoulder. "Sei? You can let me go already. He just shook his head. "Sei, I'm fine, I'm not hurt."

"DON'T EVER DO THAT!" Seijuro yelled. You felt Seijuro's tears stain your shoulder and he was shaking so badly. You then remember what Seijuro told you, how his mother died. You slowly hugged back Seijuro, Seijuro slightly taken back by that.

"I'm alive, Sei. No need to be scared." You smile and pet his head.

"I'm sorry for yelling.... And don't pet me like I'm a kid...." You smile as you noticed that Seijuro finally stopped shaking and crying.

"Ehehe~ Sorry~ Sorry~" You two let go of each other and just in case for reassurance, you held Seijuro's hand and walked home peacefully.

~~~Flashback End~~~

From that day, Seijuro felt the needs to protect his family that he loves, which was the start of the birth of the yandere personality, that isn't really fully developed yet.

In the future, the yandere side of Seijuro makes a disaster in both in the family and out of the family, but that is a story for later in the future.

Seijuro smiles as he remembers the last part where you patted his head. He didn't admit it but he liked it. Seijuro nuzzled in the bed and finally slept after the long day he had.

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