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"I'm brushing my hair right now so shut up please" i said "aish okay bye but be fast!" Daehwi hanged up before I could replied

Then someone ding dong my door ( idek hahaha)

Didn't I told Daehwi to go first? I walked toward the door "I told you to- Daniel?" I widened my eyes wth is he doing here? "y/n listen I'm s-" I closed the door

"Can you go?" I said I heard him sigh and then walked away "fuh" it's not like I'm mad anymore I just don't want to see him that's all...

Nobody's POV

"she still don't say anything?" Minhyun asked Daniel who just take a seat beside him

"Nah I still have time so don't worry" "there she is" baejin pointed at y/n who's coming here
y/n didn't say anything she just start eat and eat and eat and ea- okay stob

"y/n eat slowly you'll feel like throwing up" jisung said awkwardly "whatever" after 5 minutes the other still haven't finish eating but y/n just finish 5 lobster and now she regret

what jisung said is just true ;-;
"guys whose room is nearest?" she asked "why?" Woojin asked "just answer" y/n tried to cover her pain

"Seongwoo hyung is the nearest so you just need to go straight a-" woojin got cutted when y/n just quickly go

"What's with her?"


"seongwoo!" the door is not even closed so I just entered then a shirtless seongwoo got out from the bathroom but idc I just enter the bathroom


"Are you okay?" Seongwoo asked "yeah fine" I sighed ugh the taste ew

"what the hell did you eat?" he chuckled "nothing much just 5 lobster" I decide to sit beside him on the bed

"why didn't you g-" i got cutted by seongwoo who suddenly pinned me on the bed

okay tf this is crazy

"Seongwoo you okay?" I asked looking at him straight into his eyes "seems like this is useless" he laughed a bit and got off from me

while i stared at him blankly "you know y/n you really need to forgive Daniel" he suddenly spoke but I just stayed silent

"He's just jealous and being overprotective you should understand him" seongwoo said as he wear a shirt

"I don't know and I don't understand too we just got like um you know we doesn't seems like marriage couple and I just don't know do I like him?" I said looking down "look y/n Daniel never fall in love cause when he was a player before you know but then he said to me he likes you"

I look at seongwoo shocked "what do you mean?"

"he told me that his heart beat so fast whenever he saw you or talked to you and he said he never feel like this before" seongwoo explained

"really can I trust him?" then I realize what I say pabo! Never!

"No I mean uh nothing!" I shakes my head "tsk y/n you know you changed him and I know you like him too" seongwoo replied "you guys just don't want too admit it" he rolled his eyes and walked to the door

"I just fe-" I just couldn't finish my sentence seongwoo closed the door ugh this guy seriously wait! Daniel like me? that's not possible my thought got cutted by the thunder....

Nobody's POV

"you tell her?" Daniel face palmed himself "lol chill bro she didn't say anything and maybe she likes you too" seongwoo smiled

suddenly it start to rain heavily which make they both look outside "she's in our room bro good luck!I need to eat bye" seongwoo leaving Daniel behind

"There's no way I'll confess to her now"Daniel mumbled quietly his heart beat so fast knowing that
y/n may like him too


"uh y/n?" Daniel said as he open the door the thunder shocked him a bit but did she left?

Daniel look around but saw nothing did y/n really left first but then he saw the blanket move so he decide to check

"y/n?" he asked but no response then he pull the blanket off saw y/n closing her ear

"Daniel.." y/n sat up just right after she saw Daniel right now she feel embarrassed cause he know she don't like thunder

so y/n decide to go but before she could go the thunder once again was heard she had no choice but hugged Daniel

- back to y/n's pov -

The shit am I doing no no I tugged on Daniel sleeve I can't cry I could feel his hear beating so fast so do I

man how embarrassing is this "sorry" I mumbled quietly then u remembered

"he told me that his heart beat so fast whenever he saw you or talked to you and he said he never feel like this before"


"Daniel" I got out from his embrace I'm glad its dark now so he can't see my red face

"y/n I'm gonna be honest now I just want to tell you that I -I love you" Daniel stuttered

but there me looking at him did he omg mom help me I can't

suddenly the light open we both look who is it

"Sorry?..I just want to use the bathroom"Sungwoon said "ah.." then both of us look at each other back is Daniel blushing ;-;

"U-uh bye!" I quickly walked out from the room and slammed the door

smiling like an idiot ....



Man this was a shitty chapter  lololol I had no idea say no more lmao -,- and I'm planning to end it with 3 chapters more ;) Dun worreyh im working on new ff's (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Man this was a shitty chapter lololol I had no idea say no more lmao
-,- and I'm planning to end it with 3 chapters more ;)
Dun worreyh im working on new ff's (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway how's the new cover I made (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ ?

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Arranged Marriage with Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now