25 ( final )

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No One's POV

Its winter season already and 10th December 2017.

A month has passed.

y/n the girl who's thinking that happiness will last forever but the guess will maybe not true

this lately Daniel have been acting weird that she can't explain its the day and its Daniel birthday she wants to make a surprise of Daniel even tho Daniel didn't make her happy enough..

In the other hand , Daniel is nervous and stress because of one thing he don't know if he can tell y/n about it

He's afraid what if y/n didn't want this ?

No one knows and nobody knows.


Strawberry cake? Chocolate cake? Vanilla cake? Which?

"hey y/n" someone greeted me from behind "oh hi tae." I simply replied

"What are you doing here?" He asked "um buying cakes for danik and what are you doing here don't you scared if any fans follow you?" I asked back

He chuckled "nah don't worry I'll handle that one anyway is it Daniel birthday soon?" "um..yeah" i awkwardly replied

"why is there something wrong?" He said "n-no.." Then i felt a warm liquid fall on my cheeks

"Hey hey why did you cry?" Taehyung tried help me to stop crying but its useless i keep crying .


"He changed? now now stop crying y/n that will ruined your pretty face" Taehyung smiled

"funny tae I'm not even pretty" i wiped my tears away.

"you're beautiful just the way you are y/n" he smiled showing his teeth "t-thank you i guess haha"

"no problem" he patted my head "ah i gotta go my bro's must be waiting be careful on your way back y/n" taehyung said and walked away

"Taehyung!" I shouted which make him look back "thank you for the cake" i mouthed and he just give me thumbs up

thank you ..

- skip time -

"I hope he likes this" i don't even got to thank taehyung properly for this

Daniel is busy working now so he will be home late which make it easier for me too decorate the house for a bit.

I wish i could buy him a kitten but I'm late hm so i just need to prepare this only

A hour has passed time sure run so fast.

"Miss how about this one?" one of the catering asked "oh put that there" i pointed at the table

Everything's done so i decide to go back home.

Its 7pm the only thing left is to leave him a message :).

Danik ❤

Hey niel are you free tonight?
[ seen]

Sorry y/n I'm a bit busy
tonight and maybe I'm not
going home sorry 😺.
[ seen]

Just for tonight please?

I really can't tonight sorry.


- end of conversation -

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