chapter one

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"Chris hurry up or else am going to leave without you" Amelia said from the front porch of Chris house were she was waiting for her bestie.

"sorry buddy, was tying my shoe lace" Chris apologize when she came outside after saying goodbye bye to her parents.

"so....... when are you ever going to try wearing feminine clothes to school" Amelia teased hitting Chris shoulder with hers as they walked to catch the bus.

"Uhmm...... Never" Chris replied rolling her eyes, Amelia never misses a day without teasing her about her boyish behaviours, infact it has become an everyday routine for her.

"So how's the basketball training going" Amelia asked when they reached the bus stop which was just ten minutes walk from Chris house.

"Good I guess" she replied with a shrug.

"you guess? " Amelia asked raising her eye brows up.

"yeah, the guys are cool, well apart from some group of guys that calls themselves 'The A4's'. They are so annoying to the core, they think they can intimidate me but they don't know the type of stuff an made of" Chris said.

"okay, lemme get this straight.....they call themselves the A4's, they are very annoying to the core, they think they can intimidate you coz u are a girl........well indeed they definitely don't have the slightest idea of the stuffs you are made from". Amelia said and just then the bus came and they stood up to get in.

Through out the fifteen minutes drive to school, they both sat in silence because Chris was busy going through her calculus while Amelia kept herself occupied with her history book.

When they got to school, they only saw few students outside even though the atmosphere seems noisy.

"what's going oh here?" Amelia asked one of the students that were crowded in the hallway.

"there are some four hot new guys in the school that calls themselves the A4's.... They are so" the girl replied with dreamy eyes and moved away from them to get a better view of the A4's

"Uhmm..... Chris.."

"yeah I was not deaf,  the jerkish A4's are now in our school, how great" Chris said cutting Amelia short.

"you know what, see you during lunch time I have calculus to attend to" Chris quickly said before disappearing from the hallway.

Amelia was a bit surprised by Chris's sudden weird attitude, she didn't even go to her locker, didn't even give her their normal 'wonks handshake' and she sped away, "am 98% sure Chris is hiding something" Amelia said to herself while walking towards the direction of her locker.

"Uhmm, sorry, wasn't looking" Amelia quickly apologized to the person she bumped into as she quickly bent down to collect her stuffs that fell down.

"yeah, you were not looking coz u are blind and can't even apologize properly" the person she bumped into replied sarcastically and the rest of the people surrounding him, probably his friends laughed and high five themselves.

Amelia was never the type known for confrontation, so she avoided trouble like no other, and when ever someone is troubling her,  Chris was always there to fight them off.  Right now she was wishing for Chris to quickly appear and save her head this time around coz she was standing in front of the new A4's with her head down and playing with her fingers nervously.

"guess she also a dummy with the was she is fidgeting right now" one of the boys said and the others bust into a thunderous laughter.

"I..I will not......"

"and what the HELL IS GOING ON HERE" Chris demanded when she saw her best friend being surrounded.

You could see the relief in Amelia when she sighted Chris, she made a mental note to give her a bear hug later.

"well well well, look who is here,the girly Christiana Lowell" one of the guys said, and the rest replied with an 'Ahhhhh-Uuuuuh'.

By now, all the students of Cherry Ville College were already interested in their drama, some have already brought out their phones to start videoing.

"Amelia what's going on here? " Chris asked without giving the A4's attention, or even showed that she was affected by there comment.

"I mistakenly bumped into this guy here and he wouldn't accept my apol.....".

"you know what, there is no need for all these long story, why don't we put it into summary, Amelia here seems....... "

"shut that GUTTER in your face you call a MOUTH up ANTHONY, and don't you ever dare cut Amelia shut when ever she is speaking, whether bullshits or not which I know she never says bullshits, whether am there or not", Chris snapped at Anthony, the guy that was intimidating Amelia.

And to everyone surprise, he quickly closed him mouth and stepped back without uttering a word, after few minutes of silence, one of the guys nudged Anthony and signaled the rest that they should leave,  which of course was after Alex , one of the guys finished doing some starring contest with Chris, which ended with a tie.

Immediately the A4's left the hallway, the students also left one after the other. 

"You are such an angel Chris, I don't know what I will ever do without you" Amelia said, engulfing Chris in a bear hug.

"plea....ease, don't get so cheesy here and let's better hurry, I got classes you know, which am almost late for" Chris replied, patting Amelia at her back.

So, what do you think?, will really appreciate your comments and don't just read, add it to your library, share, comment and follow as well, much love buddies.

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