Raising Sophia: Parte Cinco

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I woke up when I felt the car stop moving. Johnny had gotten out the car and was opening the backseat door. Dang, I must've slept through him getting Soph.

"Thanks John." I said, getting out the car. He picked up Sophia's diaper bag and then her. "No problem." he replied.

Once I got Sophia from him, he unlocked the door. "So I forgot to ask you what classes you take." I said as I put Sophia in my lap. She smiled.

"Hi baby girl. Miss me?" I asked. She made a little noise. "I know. Me too." I said. Johnny pulled out his schedule.

"I take Chemistry, AP Calculus, AP Trig, and British Literature, and Government." He said. "What the fuck? You're a math genius boy?" I asked.  

He nodded, "Only class I actually liked in school." He said. I shook my head, "Dude I'm in Algebra 2." I laughed. He smiled, "I'll tutor you. What other classes?"  He asked. "I have some kind of AP English, Government, AP Physics, and Intro-Psychology."

He rolled my eyes, "You're just freaky smart. Minus math." He said. I smiled, "Well you know how I do."

About an hour passed and Selene came in. "How are my favorite people doing?" she asked with a smile. I had Sophia in my lap while doing my homework at the kitchen table. Very hard to multi-task, but I missed her.

"You guys do your homework?" Selene asked. That was directed towards Johnny who was on the couch watching TV.

"Let's go with that." He replied. Selene took the remote from him and pointed to the kitchen table. "Hop to it." She said. He rolled his eyes, but came over to do his homework.

After I finished, I closed my book and got up from the table. "Going to shower, Sophia and I are going out to eat." I said. Selene looked at me from the couch, "You sure?" she asked. I nodded, "Yeah. Girls night." I smiled.

After I got us dressed, Johnny decided to walk in my room. "So there are some people downstairs for you." He said. I glanced back at him and he took Sophia from me. "I got you." He winked. I shook my head and went downstairs.

"Mel? Ori? What are you guys doing here?!" I asked and tackle-hugged them. Melanie laughed and kissed my cheek. "Came to see you boo!" Orianna replied.

Johnny came down the stairs, holding Sophia so they couldn't see her face. If they did, they'd know whose kid it was.

"Oh who's this sexy piece of testosterone?" Ori asked, smirking at Johnny. He grinned, "Johnny Storm." He said. "I like it. Let's go fornicate!" she laughed. Mel smacked her, "He already has!" she said, looking at Sophia.

"No. That's not his kid." I said. Johnny glanced at me and handed her over. "She's mine."

"Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me? I didn't even know you were preggo!" Mel said. I nodded, bouncing Sophia. "That's how I wanted it.  Until she was here." I said. "I was going to stay, but I couldn't let Soph live in that house." I said. They knew the background on my home situation. They were my besties after all.

"Understandable. But when you left, you never called or anything! It's like you fell off the planet." Mel said with a pout. "I know and I'm sorry. I just thought it was better this way." I replied. "Because of Cameron? He's back you know." Ori said.

Cameron. The name rang in my ears. I hadn't said it or heard it in a while. "He doesn't know I'm gone right?" I asked. "I mean, yeah. You weren't at school babe." Mel said. That was true.

After about an hour, they got ready to leave. "Text us. We'll come see you soon. Bye Sophia." Mel said, touching her nose. "Yeah, we won't tell anyone. Love ya girl." Ori said before walking out the door. I also left, still had to eat.

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