Breanna and Niall-Opening Act

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(Breanna’s POV)

Today was my first show opening for One Direction. I was on Ellen about a year ago where she introduced my singing and piano playing abilities to the world. Only about six months later I was introduced to the boys and they invited me to come on the tour with them. I was shocked and happily accepted. A few weeks later Niall and I started dating. I was totally shocked he liked me because I figure he would go for a more girly girl which is totally not me. Anyways back to the whole opening for the boys. My mom, Darla, is always insisting I wear makeup but it’s just not my thing.

“Please just wear some mascara. It’s not going to kill you!” she said.

“No mom, you know I don’t like to wear that crap!” I said wishing she would just leave me alone.

She’s been a pain ever since my dad went to jail for drug use. It’s not my fault he gave up his life for cocaine. She rolled her eyes and told my little brother Brandon to go get her some water. I’m glad she did because he was being super obnoxious.

“You look like shit Breanna, why don’t you wear any makeup? You need it.” My mom said. I was shocked. No wonder she sent my brother out of the room.

“And you wonder why I hate you,” I mumbled under my breath. With that she stood up and I knew she was going to try and get in my face, but before she could Niall was in front of me.

“It’s time for you to go on Breanna,” he said only watching my mom. I took his hand and we walked out together towards the stage.

(Niall’s POV)

I could tell that Breanna was upset but I also knew she wasn’t going to say anything if I didn’t.

“Are you okay?” I asked hoping she wouldn’t lie and tell me she’s fine.

“I’m fine,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. I saw that coming. I stopped and whipped the tears away and held her while she cried. I couldn’t believe what her mom had said to her. I pulled away and gave her a kiss.

“Can I tell you a joke? To try and make you feel better?” I asked, trying to do something to keep this beautiful girl from crying.

“Sure,” she said drying her face.

“What did the football coach say to the broken vending machine?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. “Give me my quarter back!” I said and smiled. She giggled at that and I kissed her one last time before she went on stage and performed to perfection.

“She is so perfect,” I said to myself watching the girl you is the absolute light of my world.

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