Dear Denmark

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Hey guys. I dont have much to say. I have this and the first chapter done on this book. If you like the prologue and want more just comment and i will post see ya


‘Dear Denmark,

Hey it's been a while. I have a whole lot to tell you. Peter told me about this letter thing. I'm still not to sure about it but it seems just fine.

When I found out you were dead I guess I wasn't to bad off. If my sister were here it would have been worse. I would bring you back but your body was floated in the water to sink.

That's right. Vienna is still out there. I know she's alive. She's like me, unable to die.

If you're worried about May, you don't have to anymore. She was with me. When Russia found us, we were hiking through Germany. He found us and showed us his sub. We escaped to America in it. I've heard rumors that Poland is housing two girls. We think it's my sister and Molly.

I saw that Ida girl you met. Actually she told me that Orjan and Kanna had been in a safe house near to hers. I think that Orjan knew it was you. From what she said, Kanna is sick. They couldn't find her were they used to be. They did catch footprints though. Ladonia must have left with Kanna soon after you left.

We still haven't found Kenzie. Though we think that she is in Sweden since we have heard rumors of electricity there. We all know that is Kenzie's thing.

We have yet to find Gilbert. I'm getting worried since Leila was with him when it started. I know they are both alive though, I sense their life force.

May sometimes sits next to your flag and cries. Like Prussia you're like a uncle to her due to the fact you and Gil hung out with Alfred so much.

I know I'm writing a lot but hey, you gotta do something and why not read? I miss you. I know you would say that you barely knew me and that's true but you meant so much to my sister and everyone else. I care for them and you. You are like a brother to me. Not only that but my best friend. Today sealand and I are going out on a mission with Russia and his sub to find Kenzie. She's cooped up in a hospital. They know it's her due to the blue hair they saw and the fact it has electricity. They think that Kanna might be there too. I promise to protect sealand and Kanna if I find her.

We all miss you and I promise I will find your body and bring you back one day




Hope you enjoyed this. If you want to know what happens next just ask.

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