Just Shut Up spamano

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Hey guys. I love writing thia book. Im working hard and have already started the oneshot after this


Lovi/Lovino- Romano

Toni/Antonio- Spain

Gil/Gilbert- Prussia

Francis- France

The btt/bft- bad touch trio/ bad friends trio(consists of Spain Prussia and France)

Mattie/Matthew/birdie- Canada

The first thing Spain remembered about his birthday was being thrown off the bed by his lover Romano.

“Ow Lovi.” Antonio whined rubbing his head which had just met with the floor of the bedroom.

“You were snoring.” That was all the Italian said before falling back asleep. Spain frowned. Had Lovino really forgotten it was his birthday. Of course he did. He forgot the year before as well.

“I'll make breakfast.” Toni whispered through the tears that made their way onto his tan cheeks. He blew a piece of black hair out of his face.

“I guess I'll just hang with the other btt guys today.” He whispered. He felt his heart drop more when Romano stayed asleep after calling his lover down for breakfast.

“Hey Gil.” Toni whispered sadly into the phone trying to keep his soft voice from cracking.

“Hey happy birthday Toni, what's up?” The prussians voice came from his cell phone and he cringed. He tried to fight the tears but when he spoke next they began to roll down his cheeks.

“Romano forgot again. Can I hang out with you? I was gonna call Francis too.” He mumbled his voice cracking when he said Romanos name. He hiccuped as tears fell quicker.

“Oh. I swear if you weren't so in love with that jerk I would have killed him already. I'm sure frenchy won't say anything about it.” Gil said. Spain could hear the Prussian grab his keys and then he heard mumbles.

“I'll be back soon. Love ya birdie.” Prussias mumbled words echoed from the phone before Spain could hear a door closed.

“I'll pick you up in ten okay?” Gil asked and Spain made a sound of acknowledgment. Gil hung up right after the sound of a car starting came.

“Hey lovi.” Toni entered the room and kissed his boyfriend's head.

“I'm gonna spend the day with the bft. I'll be back by dinner I promise.” He said and lovi let him kiss him. Of course the Spaniard kissed him happily, the Italian giving a half awake kiss back.

“Okay, bye.” Romano whispered before Antonio left. He let the tears fall again. He was tired. Tired of Romano forgetting stuff. He forgot their anniversary, his birthday, so many things that mattered to Toni.

Francis laughed leaning in Toni’s shoulder while they walked down the street. When Prussia and Spain found France, they learned he had been extremely drunk. Of course being the good friends they were, they were now walking him home instead of driving.

“Man Francis. Would you drink less once in awhile?” Toni laughed. The Frenchman laughed more.

“Hap-appy birthday Toni!” Francis slurred drunkenly making Toni just shake his head more. He smiled at his friend. At least while drunk his friend remembered his birthday. Gil sighed.

“You know what? Im done, im not gonna keep walking with him this drunk! Im getting the car!” he yelled out storming back the way they had just came from. All toni did was sit down on the sidewalk, pulling france down with him to keep him from walking off. He checked his phone just to see a text from lovi.

R: Hey Toni, can you come home early today?

S: Sure. I tell the guys.

Spain put down his phone raking a hand through his tousled black locks. His best friend stared at him with drowsy eyes while they waited for their albino friend to speed walk back a mile to the car.

“I know you're not actually drunk Francis, you can drop the act.” Spain said and france fell back with a laugh.

“Oh come on! When did you figure it out?” he asked. When he saw spains face he dropped the question.

“Hey guys come on!” after about 15 minutes gil had finally pulled up.

“I gotta get going home. Romano wants me home early.” spain whispered. The prussian and the frenchman growled.

“Why do you do what he wants? All he does is push you around.” Francis asked and Toni hid his gaze. He didn't answer his friends, much to their disapproval.

“I love him. You may not get why i stay with him but its because i love him.” antonio said shifting in his seat to pull out his phone.

R: im sorry i forgot.

S: forgot?...

R: your birthday. Im such a jerk

S: no your not roma its fine

R: im such a jerk. I do this all the time.

S: no stop! Just shut up! Its not your fault

R: fine.

S: im on my way home.

With that he turned off his phone, not wanting to see romano talking bad about himself again. He covered his eyes and huffed, fighting tears. At that moment the car stopped outside his house. Instead of stepping out like his friends expected her just covered the rest of his face and began to sob.

“Whats wrong Toni?” gil asked looking back at his friend. Toni didnt want to speak and only answered by unlocking his phone and showing the texts from romano to his friends.

“Where is toni?” romano stood looking at his lovers best friends. Gil opened his mouth but closed it, most likely deciding it was better to say nothing.

“Whereis Toni?” The Italians question came out more as a demand as he tightened his fists.

“Hes in the car.” gil muttered. Lovi opened the door more trying to leave but his friends kept him in the house.

“Toni- what the heck!?” lovi called. When he tried to call for his boyfriend gil and francis pulled him back in the house.

“No not yet. He wants to do something.” gil said.

There was a knock on the door and lovi ran to open it hoping it was the spanish man he was hoping for. In front of him stood or more kneeled a spanish man with green eyes. Spain stood on one knee holding open a box with a ring in it.

“T-toni! Yes!” lovi said before his lover could even ask. Spains eyes widened and he smiled, hugging his lover.

“But i didn't get you anything for your birthday.” lovi whispered into tonis neck.

“You said yes. Thats all could ask for. Now just shut up.”


That took a while. The next one is rusame featuring new york and alaska. After that i plan on writing a very special story for you. If you have read gutters than you may like what i am doing. With the characters i mentioned in tbe info and descriptio i added them to gutters. Its the prologue to my story about after. Its a letter to denmark. I might post it before i post the rusame one
See ya

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