3. Red, Green, and Blue

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"Sucy, go help Akko with the customers, it doesn't look to good." Ursula said. Sucy headed over to Akko to help, while Akko was silently panicking. It has only been a week, and it had been going so fine! It's just she forgot rush hour sometimes.

Ursula waited for her other workers to arrive. It has been well over an hour, and they haven't arrived yet.

"Did they get in trouble? I hope not." She was gonna call the school, but when she picked up the phone, that's when the door opened, revealing three other girls in Luna Nova uniforms.

"Sorry we were late, got caught up in a fi-we had to take care of something." The tallest girl in the group said, rubbing the back of her head. The small girl with dark blue hair hit The blonde and pink haired girl on her arm while glaring at at her. The light purple haired one just kept nomming on a bag of chips.

"Fine, I had to take care of something," She mumbled, her arms crossed, and her head turned to her right, her green eyes not looking at Ursula. Ursula smiled exhaustedly. There was no way of changing these girls.

"I'd like you guys to change first, so I can introduce you to the others." Ursula said. The three Luna Nova students went to get dressed in their locker room, and came back moments later.

"Girls, I'd like you to meet-" Ursula was cut off, seeing that there was no one at the counter. She let out an "EH?!" And looked for them. Gladly, she thought, No one's at the counter. She looked around some more, and found them serving three of the booths, Sucy and Akko on the left side, while Lotte was serving the right. She let out a relieved sigh, and when they were done, Ursula called them over.

"Girls, these are the new workers. Akko," Akko said hi, "Sucy," Sucy gave a nod, "and Lotte." Lotte waved, her other hand behind her back.

"Amanda." Amanda smirked, white teeth showing. "This is Constanze," Amanda pointed with her head at Constanze, who looked at them and saluted. " and Jazminka." Amanda did the same gesture, and Jazminka let out a "hui" and kept eating her chips.

"Now, Constanze, Sucy, go to the counter and drinks. Jazminka and Lotte, kitchen. Akko and Amanda, keep serving, and wait until Lotte and Jazminka calls you to pick up the food." Everyone nodded their head, and got to work. Everyone and everything was working pretty smoothly.

"Wait," Ursula whispered. She ran through the schedule the headmistress gave her. "Blues on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Greens on Tuesday, Wensday, and Saturday, Red's every workday until further notice, the boys on Monday's and Friday's. Girls afternoon, boys morning, unless it's a dress up time then it'd be mixed. Time is 6:50 am to 7:00 pm. School shifts covered by subs or teachers." She ran it millions over millions of times. She was forgetting something, she had to be. But what was it? Her eyes were shadowed by her glasses's glare, face deep in troubled thought.

Three more Luna Nova students walked through the door, and the mint haired one started talking. "Professor Ursula, I'm sorry we are late. We were helping the headmistress and was pulled to help the other professors. We were forced to change at the school so we didn't waste anymore time. Oh, and if you don't mind me asking, who are the new helpers?"

Today's Wednesday! Ursula snapped her finger. "I'm just glad you're here Diana. You can meet them soon, and I'm glad you came," She checked her watch 4:58 it read.

"And just in time too. Another rush hour's just about to start. Hannah, go help Jazminka and Lotte with the kitchen. Barbara, clean up the empty tables, and when you're done, go help Constanze and Sucy at the counter. Diana, go help waiter with Akko and Amanda. Wait for Lotte, Hannah, and Jazminka's call for the food." Once again with the nodding, they went to complete their tasks.

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