Chp. 15 - Hunk?

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A/N Idk what I'm doing oh now that I'm half threw the chapter trigger warning for unsupportive parent / abusive parent. 

Hunk was drifting into the deep abyss of sleep after playing Call Duty for 3 hours when he heard a familiar song, Gold by Owl City blasting out of his phone at 2 am. Hunk groggily got out of bed to check his phone. He saw a familiar picture of Lance winking and a flash of blue. "Lance its 2 am why are you calling?" Hunk said through the phone. "Hunk I'm not okay" Lance choked out threw some breathless tears. Hunk shot up from his bed and said "Lance what's wrong do we need to meet?"  Lance had been his best friend for a long time and he wasn't going to let anything happen to him. "Can we meet at little bakery shop on 5th street?" Lance spoke softly. "Yeah" Hunk said softly back and with that Lance hung up. It wasn't the first time Hunk had snuck out to Lance he used to do it all the time sometimes not even Lance but he hasn't done it in a while. Hunk opened his window and rolled onto the roof, he took one look at the trampoline in the backyard and jumped before he could second guess himself. He landed right on the trampoline back first it felt like he was going to plummet right into the ground and die but the trampoline caught him and bounced him back up into the air and landed him on the ground his butt hitting the ground first. Hunk walked around to the front of the house and sat in his car with his sore butt and drove to meet Lance. This also wasn't Lance's first time sneaking out though he's only snuck out for Hunk and Pidge once to give them back their charger. Lance had it much easier than Hunk his room was right next to the front door. No one ever noticed he snuck out the front door. 


Once Lance got there he saw Hunk in their usual corner in the back right corner of the shop. It was a small table for 2 people next to a stainless glass window with bright colors of red, yellow, green, blue, and black though they never figured out what it was of. Lance sat down with shaky hands and looked at Hunk. Hunk looked back and saw Lance's usual bright blue eyes were bloodshot from crying and had a dull grey tint to them. "Hunk?" Lance squeaked out, Lance liked meeting Hunk at places because that meant they were in public and he wouldn't cry. That didn't apply this time. "It's my dad ... he wrote a letter." Lance spoke quietly with tears streaming down his cheeks hitting the table. "What did it say?" Hunk said with a quiver in his voice, he was there the last time Lance saw his dad. It was 4 years ago right before lance turned 14, Lance had just come out as bisexual and his dad couldn't stand it. Everyday was a daily torture with his dad always calling him a fag or scum, it was all okay Lance told himself he'll deal with it. His dad couldn't look at him without disgust so one day he hit him, his mom filed for divorce and took all the kids with her he hasn't seen any of them since. Life has been good without him, Lance's mom has a boyfriend who lives with them he happens to also be bisexual. "He said he wanted to meet me." Lance said almost inaudible. "Lance you don't have to meet  him." Hunk said a little too quickly which let off the sense of anger with his voice. "I know but we moved away from him his our address I'm scared if I don't meet him he'll show up and hurt someone and it will all be my fault." Lance whispered not daring to look Hunk in the eyes. "Lance did the letter have a return address?" Hunk questioned. "Yeah, I think so but I don't even know if it's the right one." he stated, "Well just send a letter back saying how you won't meet him but anything he needs to say he can send it in a letter." Hunk explained, he saw Lance's face light up a bit and he knew that Lance didn't think to do that. Lance's smiled a bit and said "thank you ... thank you for being my best friend." Hunk giggled a "your welcome" and his amber eyes met Lance's blue ones which lost their grey tint from earlier but were still a little red. "Is there anything else you want to get off your chest?" Hunk said still smiling. "um, idk can we talk about how cute Keith is?" Lance blushed "E.W. Mullets are not attractive go back to the 80's" Hunk gagged. "Oh please, and hoop earrings are? Go back to the 90's." Lance shot back. They sat there laughing like idiots. "To be fair they both pull it off Shay wouldn't be Shay without her earrings." Lance said "and Keith with his mullet." Hunk added. "you should ask him out you like him so much, you blush everytime you talk about him." "ARE YOU CRAZY HE HATES ME!" Lance whispered yelled. "Oh so crazy your shift at the library, your late night texts and calls, him teaching you to drive, HIS PASSWORD BEING BOTH OF YOUR BIRTHDAYS! Lance he loves you." Hunk whisper yelled back. "I don't know I'm just scared I don't want Keith to hate me." "I know he won't" Hunk reassured

 - jc

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