The Quinjet

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As we were walking, I rested my head on Steve's shoulder. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep for the next year. I noticed that we walked past the giant, green man and the lady with short red hair and continued on.

"Where are we going?" I asked, keeping my voice hushed, my grip on my folder tightened. Steve glanced down at me, then back to his two teammates. He seemed to hesitate for a moment.

"We're going to the Quinjet. It'll get us out of here," He eventually replied. Quinjet?
"Quin- Quinjet?" I asked in a questioning tone.
"You'll know it when you see it," Steve said. I nodded.

I looked back at the red haired woman and the green man. The green man turned his back to the woman and ran into the forest. I won't ask what they were doing. I feel like I've asked too many questions already.

I watched as a fresh drop of blood escaped from my wound, travelled down my leg, and dropped to the cold ground. I couldn't help but think, what if the people from the lab were still alive? What if a few escaped like I did? Or are in hiding? Did the other three members of Steve's team leave to go find any people who escaped?

"We're here now," Steve's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked to my right and saw what I can only guess was the Quinjet. There was a huge metal machine sitting in the road, with a large door at the back of it open and ready for us to enter.

When we walked inside, I felt the heat from this machine practically thaw my frozen body, and my fingers turned red as my blood rushed back to them. At the front of this large machine, there was a control panel, with what looked like hundreds of buttons flashing and blinking at me. There were leather seats around a table in the middle of the Quinjet and also by the walls.

Steve took me to the side of the Quinjet, out of the way from the centre so I wouldn't be surrounded by his team when they return. He set me down in a leather seat.

"Wait here a second," He told me. Steve then walked to the other side of the Quinjet and began to dig through a compartment in the wall.

I looked down at my folder. It had a few marks on it, like mud and scratches but as long as the papers inside of it were fine, then I didn't care. My thin hospital gown was doing nothing against the cold. It was torn along the bottom, so the hem was hanging off.

I looked at the door which me and Steve walked through a couple of minutes earlier. The bright lights of the Quinjet made the outside look darker than it actually was.

I heard Steve's footsteps getting closer, so I looked back around at him. He approached me and draped a warm blanket around my shoulders, making sure that my numb hands and feet were covered.

Whilst I was appreciating the warmth that the blanket was providing me, I hadn't noticed Steve reach around the seat and pull a box towards us.

He opened it and pulled out one of the many water bottles. The water bottle was black and had another symbol on it that I didn't understand, but it did look a bit similar to the symbol on Steve's helmet. Steve unscrewed the lid and handed me the bottle.

"Don't drink it all at once," he told me whilst handing me the bottle. I nodded and took the bottle. I lifted it to my lips and took a few small sips from it; I hadn't realised I needed the water until I began drinking it.

I pulled the bottle back down to avoid drinking too much of it. Steve gently took it from my loose grasp and screwed the lid back on. He placed it beside me, leaning it against the chair.

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