New Heights - Dacre

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This is my first ever imagine so I'm a little nervous.
My laptop is in repair so I had to write this on my phone, if there's any mistakes I apologize, I will fix them when I get it back.
Open to requests!
This imagine was inspired by this photo ;)

 Open to requests!—————————————-This imagine was inspired by this photo ;)

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"Now boarding rows A-B to Los Angeles"

"Oh god that's me" you mumbled as you gathered your backpack and headed for the gate.

Wishing you had taken the bus at this very moment because of how much flying terrified you, you wiped your sweaty palms on you jeans before handing the ticket to the stewardess.

"Enjoy your flight miss!" The stewardess said as she flashed you a smile.

You said your thanks and made your way down the tunnel that connected to the plane. You looked at your ticket "seat 12A" you said to yourself.

Looking at the numbers above the seats you finally find your section, you noticed a man sitting in the aisle seat of your row. He was gorgeous, golden blond hair, sharp jawline with a little scruff, and you could tell he definitely worked out. "Great, now I'm going to look like an idiot next to this eye candy" you scolded yourself mentally.

"Excuse me, I have the middle seat" you said to this mystery man.

"Oh! Pardon me" he said as he let you in, giving you a smile that would normally turn you into goo, but not today, today you had to make it through this flight.

You sat down, shoving your backpack under the seat and buckling yourself in. Fear finally setting your nerves off, you start bouncing your legs up and down, taking deep breaths as you close your eyes while death gripping your armrest.

"Excuse me" said the man next to you "I can't help but notice that you seem a little anxious"

"That obvious?" You replied.

He chuckled "a blind mind could feel the anxiety radiating off of you dear" he said. "The names Dacre".

"(Y/N)" you responded.

"So, what has you all worked up?" Dacre asked.

"Flying terrifies me, I hate it" you stated. After you said that the plane started pushing back from the gate causing you to jump.

"Hey, it's alright, why don't you tell me why you hate flying?" He enquired.

"Uh, lets see, the heights, the confined space, the possibility of falling hundreds of feet from the air to our inevitable deaths before crashing into the earth into a ball of flames" you said.

"Well, when you put it that way...anything I can do to help?" Dacre asked.

"Keep talking?" You said "it's a good distraction and the take off and landing are the worst for me."

"That I can do" he tells you with a smile. "So what brings you to L.A.?" He questions.

"Visiting my parents for the holidays, they actually live in Huntington Beach but it's only an hour drive from the airport. What about you?" You turned to him as you asked.

"I have some business to attend to before I head back home for a couple of months." He said.

"Are you an aspiring actor?" You asked.

He looked at you surprised "how did you guess?"

"You're to pretty to live a normal life" you said matter of factly.

He let out a big laugh "are you flirting with me now?" The smile never leaving his face.

You returned the smile "No, just stating facts" you responded.

The plane started to speed up for take off causing your anxiety to rise, you went to grip the armrest but accidentally grabbed Dacre's hand but he didn't seem to care. He gave your hand a small squeeze to reassure you that you were alright.

After the plane made it to its designated altitude you let go "thank you" you told him "I'm such a baby" you stated while covering your face with your hands.

"It's no trouble, anything I can do to help a beautiful damsel in distress" he said causing you to blush.

For the rest of the two hour flight you guys talked about everything, your jobs, family, goals, and your dreams. He made a trip you were dreading, into something you actually enjoyed.

Attention ladies and gentlemen, we are now descending to L.A., please make sure to turn off all electronics and that your tray table in in the upright position, and as always, thank you for flying delta!" The stewardess rang over the intercom.

You started to feel nervous again but before you could start freaking out you felt a hand grab yours. Dacre didn't say anything causing you to smile again. "This man really is too sweet" you said to yourself.

Once the plane landed you gathered your things and both you and Dacre stood up to leave.

"It was a pleasure meeting you (Y/N)" he said. "Thank you for making this trip entertaining and less dreadful."

"And thank you for putting up with my crippling anxiety" you joked.

"Anytime" he responded with a chuckle.

You two hugged and went your separate ways which made you feel a little sad that you would never see this man again. You stuck you hands in the pockets of your hoody only to feel a piece of paper inside.

Taking it out you opened it, it had a phone number and a note that read "maybe we can grab dinner before we both leave L.A.? - Your savior, Dacre."

You smile and thought to yourself "that sneaky bastard." Already excited to see the man that saved you from your trip.

Dacre Montgomery imagines (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now