Can't help falling in love - Dacre

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This one shot is for the lovely Str4ng3rth1ngs. I hope you like it! I also apologize for the delay, I had more homework assignments than I actually thought and screwy internet 😓
Anyways, enjoy!

You and Dacre have been dating for three months now, and even though the relationship was still relatively new in some people's eyes, you just knew he was the one.

You had come to the realization that you were in love with Dacre about a week ago, but you were to afraid to say those three words aloud in case he wasn't ready to say them yet. Plus it never felt like the right moment, you two were constantly around large groups of people it seemed, and you wanted those words said to be something special between just the two of you.

You and Dacre were leaving your grandmothers house after you had dinner with your family. You felt it was the right time to introduce him to the most important people in your life, and the man did not disappoint in charming your family.

You thought back to when your grandmother and mother pulled you into the kitchen to discuss Dacre.


"If things don't work out between you two can I have his number?" Your grandmother asked.

"Grandma!" You yelled with a laugh.

"What? You landed yourself quite a looker." You grandma said with a wink causing you laugh again.

"And have you seen the way he looks at you? That boy has it bad." Your mom said hugging you. I'm happy for you baby."

You smiled while peaking around the corner, seeing Dacre and your father talking and laughing about something. "Thanks mom, he really is a great guy." You said, smiling to yourself.

*End of flashback*

You turned to look at your boyfriend, admiring his features and the way the moonlight illuminated them just right. Glancing down at your hand that was wrapped in Dacre's, you smiled to yourself.

"I'm really happy that you got along with my family so well." You said breaking the silence.

Dacre gave your hand a squeeze "so am I darling, your family is wonderful, now I can see where you get it from." He said while shooting you a smile.

Your heart swelled at his words. You decided now was the perfect time to tell him how you really felt. You had wanted to wait, but your feelings had other plans.

"Dacre, can you pull over please?" You asked him.

Is everything alright?" He asked slightly concerned.

"Everything is perfect." You said smiling.

Dave's pulled over then turned to look at you. "Why are you crying? Are you sure you're alright?" He asked worriedly while cupping your face to wipe away the stray tears.

"Yes I'm sure, I'm just really happy." You said.

Dacre's face softened at your words, and you felt butterflies in your stomach and a flutter in your chest knowing how much you cared for him. You unbuckled yourself and pulled Dacre into a tight hug.

When you pulled away, Dacre looked at you tenderly, tucking away a piece of your hair behind your ear, letting his fingers linger on your cheek. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against yours and you two sat like that for a few minutes.

Dacre pulled back first and gave you a gentle kiss before looking directly in your eyes.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you, but I didn't know how when." He said. "Molly...I love you. I love you so much."

His eyes reflected fear, fear that you didn't feel the same or that you would possibly reject him, but you felt the opposite.

Your smile began to grow "I love you too." You said softly to him.

A smile of his own appeared as he started to kiss you over and over again while saying "I love you" in between each one.

"Why had I decided to wait?" You thought yourself before kissing Dacre once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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