1 :: Heartbroken

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Dark grey clouds filles the sky, dark, brooding and rumbling with lightning. Thunder echoed with the memory of the flash of light, sounding as though there was a huge groaning creature in the sky. Heavy rain poured down, and any area which sloped downward was immediately filled with water.

The weather didn't bother Cancer, in fact, she welcomed the dark day and the stormy weather. It resembled her mood. Her friend of ten years had passed away just two days ago, her death still fresh in her mind.

Virgo had been driving to her house when a drunk driver had crashed into her car, going on the wrong side of road and at full speed. She was just returning from visiting her family, and the poor family never knew that that would have been the last time they saw her.

The worst thing was, Cancer hadn't even gotten a chance to apologize. Cancer and Virgo got in a fight, and it was mainly Cancer's fault, but after overcoming the blame she put on Virgo and seeing the truth, she realized it was her fault, and that she owed her friend an apology.

But, it was too late.

As Cancer realized this once again, tears streamed down her face once more, and with the guilt of knowing, she put down herself and reminded herself about all the other times she fucked up, believing that she deserved this pain and suffering.

A sound made her raise her head, and she wiped away her tears with a black sleeve of a sweater she was fond of. Not that she deserved such a nice sweater anyway. It pained her to remember Virgo bought her the sweater. Then, she felt herself shed more tears.

The door to the classroom opened, and a familiar figure appeared. It was her classmate, named Scorpio.

They had talked a little, but not much. To Cancer, he was a sort of stranger, yet someone she wanted to befriend. Not only because he was popular and quite good looking, but because he seemed like a decent friend.

She shouldn't be thinking of this, how attractive he was, she was suppose to wallow in her grief! Cancer turned her head away from him, and wiped away the new tears that had fallen.

Scorpio didn't seem to mind her, but sat on the opposing side of the room, and took out a book. Cancer's curiosity poked at her, but her emotions washed over her curiosity.

It wasn't unusual for students to go into Mr. Milrom's room, for he left it open. He was a pretty chill teacher, yet he left the room as Cancer went in and hadn't returned since.

Softly sobbing, Cancer knew the time for tears was over, because even as she insulted herself and tried to remember the pain, tears wouldn't come out anymore. Perhaps that was a good thing. She knew she didn't look the best whenever she cried.

She grabbed a few tissues from the tissue box and cleaned herself up. After, Cancer threw them to the trash can. When she threw them into the trash can, she glanced at Scorpio, who, happened to do so at the same time, glanced at her. Their dark brown gazes locked, and there was sadness in his gaze.

Cancer realized they were both suffering. From what, she didn't know, but, for some reason, her legs took her over to the group of tables he was at, and she sat down. She took a deep breath before saying something.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a quiet tone. Now that Cancer was done, she actually felt quite emotionally tired.

"I should have asked you the same question." Scorpio replied, regarding her with narrowed eyes. The book had been placed down in the desk, and his attention was on her now.

"I'm okay now, but are you?" Cancer questioned.

Scorpio was silent before he gave his reply. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Cancer pressed, a hint of concern in her tone.

"Yeah, I just came into the classroom to read my book." He said, avoiding her gaze.

"I know you're sad. I know because I'm sad, and I recognized it. You shouldn't be alone, going through the pain." Cancer stated, trying to coax him.

"You were alone in this classroom suffering through your pain, why shouldn't I suffer with my own?" Scorpio suddenly said, anger in his tone.

"Did you think I wanted to be alone? Because I didn't want to, but I was. Anyways, I don't think I could bear another person suffering in the same classroom as me and I can't do anything about it." Cancer retorted, but was now avoiding his gaze. "We all need support in our darkest days, and we shouldn't go through things like this alone."

Scorpio stayed silent, and he began to look at his book as though he was starting to read again.

"You know. I never really knew you'd be like this. In class, you seem like a quiet girl who kept to yourself." Scorpio informed, eyes on his book.

"People change in terms of the scenario." Cancer muttered, but it was true. During class, she hardly ever spoke, unless she was around with her friends.

"So, what happened to you?" Scorpio asked. Cancer looked at the ground. She thought her time for tears was over.

"You know." Cancer simply said, because if she said anymore, she knew her eyes had to let go.

"Oh. Wait. You were close friends with Virgo, and she...oh." Scorpio said after he made the connections. "How long were you two friends for?"

"About ten years." Answered Cancer, wiping away her eyes.

"Oh shit, that's a long time. Which explains the tears." Scorpio stated, which made Cancer laugh a little, but she quickly felt sad again.

"What about you? Why are you sad?" Cancer asked, a little hesitantly.

"My girlfriend broke up with me." Scorpio looked away. "I don't know why, Capricorn just told me she couldn't be with me anymore."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that." Cancer said sympathetically. "I wonder why."

Then, the bell rang. Cancer internally cursed. She had actually liked finally being able to talk to Scorpio, even if it was because they were both in the classroom for the same reason. She hadn't even realized Scorpio made her feel better, just by talking to her.

As Scorpio placed his book in his backpack and stood up, Cancer went over to him and hugged him.

"Woah, uh, Cancer?" Scorpio stated, sounding confuzzled. She looked up at him.

"You needed a hug." Cancer said, before releasing him and going over to get her backpack.

Scorpio waited for her at the door, then held it open for Cancer. The heavy rain had stopped, and the sun was peering through some light grey clouds. Outside, it was still dark, the clouds still casting shadows, yet sunlight patched the ground in some places.

"So. Where's your next class?" Scorpio asked.

"Um, G building. You?" Cancer answered, walking at his side.

"L building." He replied, making Cancer say an 'Oh.'

"Well..I guess I'll see you later Scorpio." Cancer said, and she was internally hoping that she would actually see him later, and whatever had happened wasn't just a one time thing.

"Bye." Scorpio looked as she headed in the direction of the G building, a slight smile on his face as he watched her leave.


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