Chapter 16: Not an Ending, But a Beginning

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When will there be a time where I wake up without feeling awful? This is my first thought as I start to come back to reality. Bright sunlight lays across my face which only makes me scrunch my face in displeasure. Slowly, I open my eyes to find myself back in the hospital wing and the sun is shining high in the sky. Grumbling that I wish I knew a spell to make it night again, I look around the room to find that all the beds are empty but the one across from me. That bed is being occupied by my twin brother and from the slight snoring that is coming from him, it is safe to assume that he is still asleep. A gasp escapes my lips when I realize that there is a bunch of flowers and candy surrounding our beds. The difference between our gifts are that most of my gifts are in Slytherin colors, while Harry's gifts don't have any specific color to them. A smile appears on my lips when I realize that the biggest boutique of flowers is from Draco.

A groan makes me snap my head over to the other bed, and I realize that my brother is waking up. Smiling, I watch as he sits up and grabs his glasses off the side table. A smile appears on his face when he notices the 'get well' cards and the candy that is piled at the end of the bed. Giggling slightly, I wave my hand at him and a frown appears briefly on my face when I notice that his right hand is bandaged. Speaking of bandages, I feel a weight on my head making me touch my head to only find bandages wrapped around it. As I put pressure on the side of my head, I wince and decide that maybe putting pressure on a wound probably isn't the smartest idea. Looking down at my own hands, I realize that my hands and arms are wrapped up in gauze. As I am looking down at my hands, I hear footsteps heading toward us which makes us both look up to find the headmaster entering the room.

He is wearing a dirt brown and gold robes that appears to be satin. I comment on this because I still find it unusual that someone is wearing a robe as a common outfit. Also, it's satin! Also, can I just state that his long white beard and hair is longer than my hair has ever been.

"Good morning, Harry, Anastasia," he says before standing at the end of our beds. Smiling slightly, I wave at him in return and pick up the nearest food, which so happens to be more of those Shoc-o-Choc from the Weasley twins. He sees our gifts and looks happy for us, "Ah! Tokens from your admirers?"

"Admirers?" my brother asks with confusion clearly evident in his voice. Looking up in confusion as well, I continue to eat my chocolate as I listen to Dumbledore's explanation.

"What happened in the dungeons between you two and Professor Quirrell is a secret. So, naturally, the whole school knows," he says joyfully, and that makes me start giggling. That is the funniest thing in the world right now. As I am giggling, I can hear my brother chuckle a little bit as well as Dumbledore. When my face starts to turn slightly red, I finally calm down long enough to continue eating. What can I say? After everything that we went through recently, I think I deserve some chocolate for breakfast.

"I see that your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your chocolate frogs," Professor Dumbledore says which makes me smirk slightly. I can totally see the Weasel doing that sort of thing while people are unconscious. Putting the empty box to the side, I look at around at all the cards that people have made for me.

"Ron was here? Is he all right? What about Hermione?" Harry asks him, and I instantly look up when I hear my friend's name. Professor Dumbledore holds up his hand to stop all the questions and answers softly.

"They're both just fine."

"Harry, ask him about the stone!" I ask him with urgency visible in my thoughts. My brother asks my question, but Dumbledore holds up his hand again.

"Relax both of you. The stone has been destroyed," Dumbledore assures us, but that only makes my eyes widen in surprise. How could he destroy the stone when his friend's life depends on it? As if he knew what I was thinking about, he looks at me with a twinkle in his eye before he continues to talk, "My friend Nicholas and I have had a small chat and agreed it was for the best for everybody." My mind eases up and I relax back into the pillow as I realize that his friend will not be on this earth for much longer.

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