The big three at # 12 grinwald street

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Harry's pov

One hour earlier


     I was eating some toast and jam in the kitchen when my snowy owl hidweg came in and landed on the table. I could tell she was agitated by something but i didn't know what. She started hooting away eventhough i couldn't understand her.

     I had been staring at her for a few minutes before telling her to go to the other peoples owls that were roosting in sirious's mum's room for the timebeing. The old house elf kreacher kept coming into the room muttering about the owl dung on ' His precious mistress's ' bed and dresser.

        I waited a few minutes before looking for ron and hermione to tell them that hedwig was agitated.  Hermione asked where she was and i told her to go look for her in Mrs. Black's room.

     She was gone for a time before coming looking for sirious and pulling him into an empty room, giving ron a look. Ron and i couldn't help being curious and put on my father's invesiabilaty cloak and following them.

        When we got there we heard them talking in a language that ron seemed able to understand. When i asked him to tell me what they were saying he shook his head,  saying it was for them only.

        Ron then said in the same language ' Oh iris goddes of rainbows accept my offering show me albus dumbledore , hogwarts Scotland.  Hide this message from all those not demigods( harry potter)

I couldn't understand them and wondered why ron was talking out loud. I asked where he learned that language and he looked uncomfortable.

I heard dumbledore and my names, but couldn't understand.

Mrs. Weasley and professores lupin, mcgonnagle, snape(i didn't know why snape would come at ron's call), dumbledore, and madam pomphrey came running at the iris message. When they saw me in the room they shooed me out, but ron and hermione asked to be present. Mcgonnagel told them to sit down and listen in.

Ron's pov

I listened as the teachers talked. They were worried at what hedwig had to say. She was agitated because the gods were planning to drop a daughter of athena, hermione's half-sister(greek because of hair color).(athena:yellow; minerva:brown)

      I could sense harry outside because of my father's gift on the battle field. My father is mars. He had changed his appearance to look like Mr. Weasley. Mum didn't know it wasn't arthur untillater that week when he said that the minestry of magic (M.O.M) had him working in romania. He was furious when he learned that not one of the children he thought were his were his.

Hermione's pov

    I went up to the room and called hariona(hedwig was renamed after being taken) down from her perch. Of coarse she flew to my arm chattering on and on about a prophecy.

      Okey. Lets go to the begining of the talking to the owls. I was on an owl-watching trip when i heard a voice in my head saying ' Hail hermione granger daughter of minerva, vergin goddess of usefull craft, and muggle father Mr. Granger.

You are the first daughter of minerva in two centuries."

We were camping in a place in the u.ided states of america called las Angeles. I felt compeled to go to a park with a house called the Wolf House. I was also compelled to go to a certain tunnel. I saw two kids in anciant greek or roman armor, and a boy carrying a hippy across the interstate.

There was something calming to me about the sights. At the wolf house, i could have sworn i saw a blue rectangular box with the words 'Police box public call' and a wolf. I knew the box came from london and was curious about what it looked like on the inside. Before i could reach it though, mum and dad asked me why i was going twards a blue box, a fear on their faces when they saw my destination.

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