Fake Spiders and Set-Ups

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Credit to @oracle_of_delphi for giving me the idea that led to this.


"So...you'll do it?" Piper asked.

"Payment." Leo demanded back.


"No. Now."

"After." Piper told him again, this time lacing her voice with charmspeak.

"Okay. I will go now." Leo said, dazed, before leaving the room.

Piper smiled an evil smile.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screeched Annabeth as she pulled the covers of her bed back so she could go to sleep.




She freaked.

Totally freaked.

And ran screaming out of her cabin.

Granted, the spider had been very real looking. It would've taken a spider expert to be able to tell it was a fake.

|Meanwhile, Piper turned on her cameras|


"Huh?" Percy asked as Annabeth burst into his cabin.

"SPIDER-*puff*-GINORMOUS- *gasp* -HELP!!!"

Percy tried to decipher Annabeth's words as she gasped.

|Piper was getting bored. She casually picked her nails with Katoptris|

"Are you okay Annie?" Percy asked Annabeth concernedly [As/N: is that even a word?].

Usually Annabeth would've punched him for the nickname, but she was still feeling weak so instead she tumbled next to him on his bed.

|Piper started to pay attention to the computer screen|

"It's okay! It's just a spider..." Percy told Annabeth.

"Just a spider?" Annabeth screeched, getting worked up, "It was all hairy and gross and scary and the size of New Zealand almost!"

Percy decided it was best just to go along with it and patted her on the back. He also wondered casually if his girlfriend had failed geography.

|Piper was happy, a Percabeth moment was about to happen|

"Well it's not here right now...you don't have to be scared..." Percy
mentally slapped himself thinking about the spiders that lived in his closet.

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Annabeth stopped puffing.

|Piper snapped her camera, capturing the moment|

A while later, after a few low words from Percy that the sound system wasn't good enough capture, Percy realised that Annabeth had fallen asleep.

He slipped over to the light switched, and flicked and the lights turned out.

|Piper was very glad that her camera had night vision|


"So," Piper asked Leo curiously the next morning, "Where did you get the spider?"

"Found him near the back of Bunker 9, sitting in a big storage box. And his name is Leroy." Was his answer.

"There were fake spiders in Bunker 9?"


Leo then had to spend the rest of the week looking for his spider, Leroy.

It was eventually found curled up in a ball outside the Aphrodite cabin.

Turns out spiders don't like the intense smell of perfume very much either.

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