Not-So-Threatenin' Zeppelin (Part 2)

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Enid gasped as she had suddenly recognized her mistake. She had accidentally called Hilda "mamma!" Her face went pale.

As Enid covered her face and apologized about five times a second, Hilda had just laughed! Enid truly was adorable! "Am I truly that much like your mother? We've just met mere hours ago!" She cackled, now going from brushing Enid's hair to gently playing with it. The young girl closed her eyes softly, nodding a little as the feeling of comfort washed over her. They had moved to the couch, where Hilda continued the gentle motions. "You're too sweet, Enid. Too sweet for your own good."

In this moment of silence that the two had together, Enid saw a bottle cap for King Kola and thought more of her family life. Thoughts went back to after the play she had starred in. Mrs. Edwards was so excited that she had made the women in the house cook a massive dinner in her honor, inviting the entire family, and even the servants in the house were able to sit and dine with them. Mrs. Edwards was holding onto an envelope all day, and now it seems as if she would finally reveal what was inside.

Whenever all of the family was dining, Mrs. Edwards shouted to get their attention, holding onto Enid tightly and excitedly. "Oh, please, my dear family, I have great news about Enid!" She cried. Looking at Audrey, who was also invited, she winked. Audrey was chowing down on some turkey, but she seemed to wink back.

"Our dear Enid has been invited to pose for a portrait for an advertisement!" Mrs. Edwards cried. Gasps and claps from all.. Except Mr. Edwards, who fiddled with his champagne flute. "It's not just any advertisement... It's King Kola!" She cried, cheering coming from the family. King Kola was the most successful cola brand in the country! All of their advertisements contained only the best looking young people, and the fact that they had invited Enid to star in one of their ads made Mrs. Edwards go insane with pride.

Of course, no one had told Enid about this. She blushed a little, getting pats on the back and congratulations from so many aunts and uncles, and claps from cousins. Her mother and father seemed to go in the back, and she could hear the muffled arguing, even through the congratulations.

Enid's mother didn't talk to her father much, and afterward, Mrs. Edwards said that the arguing was about accepting the offer without Enid's consent.. But she knew that Mr. Edwards could care less about his daughter. She simply made up that excuse to hide the fact that her husband was trying to hide Enid's very existence!

"Enid.. Enid.. Good Lord, you're in a trance again!" She heard Hilda say before her hand gently smacked the top of her head. Enid shook her head, shivering softly. She couldn't bother to look at that bottle cap anymore, it almost hurt her.

"I-I'm sorry, Mam.. I mean, Hilda..." She muttered. There would be no more mistaking Hilda's name, she looked like a fool doing that! As cute as Hilda thought it was, she knew that it upset Enid. Enid was someone who hated making mistakes and wanted to express herself as being practically perfect in every way. Deep in her little heart she knew how flawed she was.

"Well, it's getting rather late. I recommend that you go to bed, Enid. I'll wash your dress for you." Hilda said, going to get it. Enid had nodded, deciding that she would sleep on the couch. Everything was going well, until she heard the cry of, "Enid! What are these?" When Enid looked, Hilda was holding the Devil's dice in her hand.

"Ah! M-My dear Hilda! I found those at my home! That's how I fell down here! Honest, Hilda! I know he's mad and I know he wants them back, but I really can't do that! Staying the night here would be a luxury because I do really know that the Devil is after me and I should be on the run and..." Once again, Enid got fired up and tried to explain herself, sputtering out a million words a minute.

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