[losers club] how you met

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Character preferences will be a lot more funny hehe


- at the library
- bumped into each other while walking down the isles
- "that's a really good book"
- "yeah it's my favorite"
- uhh not gonna finish the lyrics to that cuzzzz

- at the store
- both buying "personal care" items
- awkward af
- "uh yeah..."
- "-yeah..."
- wtf do we do
- leave the store laughing together

- in the woods by the sewers
- saw him walking around there a lot
- grew some (metaphorical) balls and joined him
- "hey, bill!"
- "w-wan-na he-help me fi-ind my o-one ar-armed li-itt-tle bro-brother?" (omg this sounds so mean i'm so sorry)
- "....yEaH sUrE!"
- oh shit.
- lowkey regrets volunteering to help him but feels bad and really likes him
- have fun walking with all those blisters bih

- at the pharmacy
- he sees you getting meds
- "you know those are probably gazebos"
- wtf is this kid talking about
- he rushes you out and tells you all about "gazebos" to save you
- still have no fucking clue what he's talking about
- but ya like him anyway lol

- saw him biking around town
- stopped him and asked for directions to the nearest ice cream parlor(idfk what else lol)
- accidentally touches and smells the basket full of raw meats
- "omfg ew"
- almost throws up on him
- he takes the time to make sure that you're ok
- so sweet ya get a tooth ache
- lowkey cringey lmao^

- the arcade
- you spend hours trying to beat his scores
- he sees you playing and turns super cocky (...dont you dare)
- "face it doll, you can't beat me. I'm the SHIT!"
- "yeah you also smell like it"
- "fucking greywater....hey you wanna help me find a dead body?"
- silence.
- "yea sure why not"
- wtf is wrong with y'all

- at the quarry
- saw this dude staring at the sky
- "wtf are you doing???"
- "watching the birds"
- breaking news: there aren't any up there
- wtf ig I'll just hang with him
- "ok...well I'm gonna sit with you"

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