[cast] embarrassment

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- sometimes he'll serenade you out of nowhere in appropriate situations
- if you're at a wedding, he'll start singing a stupid song as they're saying their vows
- "...and the cow went moooooo"

- he'll cause scenes in public to get your attention
- if you're ignoring him, he'll fake a "proposal" with whatever he has on him
- "will you talk to me now?" He's holding out a slice of pizza
- do it sis

- make you eat weird foods that he knows you won't like
- "here eat this it's really good"
- it legit tastes like a chip drowned in just salt

- he'll put a bunch of words and effects on you in his videos
- when you're talking about accidentally dropping ur food
- sad music and black and white filter and slow zoom in on ur face

- he makes lots of instagram and Snapchat stories of you doing crazy and weird things
- "yo this loser is weird"
- "Shut up, Robbie Shapiro!"

- makes up stories embarrassing stories about you to your friends
- "then she fell into the toilet!"

- he'll make fun of you when you mess up or lose a game to him on a twitch livestream
- purposely makes you lose by nudging you...cheater
- "Wyatt I could've won if you didn't throw that grape at my nose!"

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