Chapter Eight

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                 Five months later

It's April and Marcus and I have been together for five months but we haven't been able to spend anytime together cause Justin was always around and of course he is cause he's in the same friend group as us.
      But Marcus's mom gave him the beach house over in California In Malibu for spring break everyone is coming but Justin his dad and him are going to Italy to see his grandmother for spring break and anther two weeks so he won't be back till next month in may.
It's the day before spring break and we're in lunch Justin is already in on his way to Italy but Marcus and I still show that we're a couple because of Ashley.
   Schools over and Marcus is driving me home.

"Hey are you all packed for tomorrow" Marcus says to me while  driving

"Yes everything is ready to go"
I say smiling and looking at my phone

"Are you sure you don't want to stay at my house tonight?"he says in a whining voice

"Yes babe I'm sure" I say as I take his right hand off the wheel and lace it to mine

He sighs and 5 min later I'm home I unbuckle my seatbelt and sit there for a little bit

"Hey I'll pick you up at 7 in the morning so be ready" he says leaning in to kiss me

"I'll be ready I'll be your little stocker" we both laugh at what I said and kiss each other goodbye

I get outta the car and go inside my parent aren't home like always there always traveling I go with them sometimes but I really miss them I wish sometimes they would stay and be with me.
  I go in my room and bring my suitcase out into the living room for tomorrow morning I go back in my room and get my charger and bring it in the kitchen I put music on and make sure I have every thing.
A few hours later

I look at my phone at it 8 at night I'm going to bed early so I can wake up on time I set my alarm to 5 so I can take a shower in the morning I put my phone on my night stand and go to sleep.
      I wake up to a really loud sound I reach my arm outta the covers and use my hand to find my phone. I finally found it and I look at my phone it's my alarm it's 5 o'clock and I should start getting ready get out of bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower you mean is that I get out of the shower and I'll go over to my closet and pick out my outfit for the day

After I'm done getting dressed I go over to my phone and look at the time and it's 6:40 Marcus will be here soon I go to my kitchen and get something to eat 5 minutes later I'm done and I get a text from Marcus he out side and coming in to wait fo...

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After I'm done getting dressed I go over to my phone and look at the time and it's 6:40 Marcus will be here soon I go to my kitchen and get something to eat 5 minutes later I'm done and I get a text from Marcus he out side and coming in to wait for the cab but we're taking a Van cab cause we're bring a lot of people to the air port it's going to be me, Marcus, Kevin, Emma, bee and Carribean. All six of us are going Brittany hasn't talked to Marcus since they broke up that's what Marcus says at least.
He gets in the house and calls my name

"BABYGIRL" he say yelling from the door

"I'm in the kitchen baby" I say getting a snack even tho I just ate

Marcus walks up the stairs and puts his stuff next to mine and walks in the kitchen and looks and me and stares

"DAAAAAMMMMNNNN BABY" he looks at me leaning back with his hand over his heart

"Baby stoooppp" I say blushing so hard

"God damn you might be the most sexiest tomboy I have ever seen in my life" he says walking over to me and grabbing my hand and starts to kiss it "you gotta let me put a ring on this finger cause in quotesof Beyoncé if you like the you should put a ring on it Imma put a ring on it" he says kissing up my arm then getting to my lips

"Baby the song is if you like it then you should have put a ring on it" I say smiling looking into his eye

"I know I just made the remix's" he says hold my waste and looking into my eyes

"It's the next best seller baby" I say putting my arms around his neck

"Your going to be with me when I when all my awards" he says bird kissing me

"From start to finish" I say as we start kissing

A few minutes later the cab comes and me we stop what we are doing grab our stuff and head to the cab we walk out my door I lock it then meet Marcus by the cab we get in and go and pick up our friends
    After we pick up every one and get to the air pot and on the plan we all sit down In our seats few minutes later the air attendant comes on and Tells us to buckle our seatbelt's we do as told and a few minutes later the airplane starts left off the ground and before we New it we where in the air

(Hey guys I never been on a plan so I don't know how long it is but by car it's a day and a half so imma skip the plan ride)

We finally land and we all get off the plan and go get out bags. After we find our bags we go out of the airport and see the driver we put our stuff in the trunk and get in the car about 15 minutes in the car we finally get to the house in Malibu we Beautiful right by the beach and it a nice day
     We get inside find our rooms Marcus and I got his parents room since his mother said only he can sleep in there we put our stuff away and we flop on the bed and fall right to sleep cause we where so exhausted.


I took me a while to finish this one cause I'm going throw some stuff but I'm going to finish this book for you guys thanks for reading and being so patient

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