Chapter nine

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I wake up hearing Miley Cyrus Malibu I turn around and see Marcus waking up to it to

"Babe turn it off please" Marcus says while putting the pillow over his face

"It not me" I say with a little bit being annoyed cause I'm so tired

I turn around where my back is facing him and all I feel is arms grading me and pulling it's Marcus pulling me over on top of him to where we are noise to noise

"You look like a troll in the morning" he says laughing a little bit

"And you look like ET so I guess we both have something else in common" I say laughing and bird kissing him

"Mmm I wanna stay like this I don't want to get up" he says closing his eyes

"But Baby I wanna go to the beach" I say giving a pouting face

He turns us around where he's on top of me now and groans while putting his head in between my boobs

"Fine but imma take you out to eat to night" he says smiling and looking into my eyes

"And where are we going" I say putting my finger on his noise

"Your just going have to wait and see" he says while getting up and going to the bath room to shower
   I'm going to shower when we get back from the beach so I just put my hair in a messy bun and but my two-piece bathing suit on and put shorts on and flip flops didn't wear a shirt over cause we're going to the beach that's like right when you walk out the back door literally I go down stairs where every one else is

"Hey I see your ready for the beach" Emma says while sitting on Carribean

"Of course bitch just waiting for Marcus to get ready" I say while getting some coffee

"Still didn't get caught hey I see" Kevin says while holding Bee in his lap

"Shh" Bee says while hitting him

"It's fine Bee and no we haven't" I say a little bit annoyed

I go back up stairs with two cups of coffee when I get back to my room I see shirtless Marcus picking out his fro I hand him if cup and keep mine and sit on the bed he looks at me as I'm sitting there looking at my cup having my finger follow the ring around it

"What's wrong baby" he says putting his cup the dresser and standing by it

"Ahh nothing just home sick" he says now taking my cup and putting it on the night stand then grabbing my hands and lifting my head up with his finger under my chin

"Just think about what would happen if Justin or Brittany found out about us" I say looking into his eyes and trying not to cry

"Did Kevin say something about it again" he says a little frustrated cause Kevin does keep saying shit about our relatshonship

"Yeah but just leave it baby" I say holding his hand tight

"Listen to me no Matter what happens no one well pull us apart cause I love you" he says looking at me with a small smile

"D-did you just say y-you love me" I say looking at him with a confused but relieved face

"Yeah I did I love you Evie" he says

"I love you to Marcus" I say hugging him and smiling but not really sure if I'm lying throw my teeth or if I'm saying it from the heart

After we talk we go down to the beach and find a spot we lay our stuff down and I take off my shorts I hear a whistle behind me as I'm taking them off I look behind me and see these College boys looking at me I look back at Marcus and see him balling up his fist and start to yell

"HEY STOP LOOKING AT MY GIRL BEFORE I FUCK YOU UP" he says as I stand in front of him and put my hands on his chest I hear on of the guys say

"I can't help it that she built like an hour glass that ass is fat" I see him getting even more mad at what that guy said

"Baby stop just don't Okay we're here to spend time together not to fight" I say as I'm still standing in front of him

He finally walks back and we head for the water when we get waste deep he picks me up I wrap my legs around him and we go a little deeper in I wrap my arms around him and we look at each other and start kissing  I pull back

"Why where they getting you so mad baby" I say putting my noise next to his

"Cause they don't need to be looking at my girlfriend like that" he says still sounding mad about it

"Hey I'm your always will be" we smile and kiss

After a while of being at the beach we head back to the house I check my phone and it's 4 in the afternoon we head in He house and no ones home Emma and Carribean and Kevin and Bee wanted to spend the day together
So we have the house to our selfs till 10 tonight cause that's when there coming back
Me and Marcus go up to our room and in the bathroom there's one in the room and go take a shower yes together gotta help the ecosystem or what ever
A few minutes later and we are done with the shower we get our pajamas of and go down stairs to go eat we make Hot pockets and after we're done we go up stairs and get under the covers and watch movies until we fall asleep

Sorry it short and boring but the next chapter is going to be interesting

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