The Morning After & A Proposal

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Jai was sleeping with a very satisfied smile on his face as one arm was around his wife while his other arm was beneath his head. The weight of his wife's head on his chest felt so right. After a year of restlessness, today though he slept very late, he felt at peace. Taking a deep breath he opened his eyes and looked down at his wife, who was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly he grinned as he let his hand on her caress her shoulder that was bare of any clothing. She grumbled in her sleep and positioned her head more comfortably on his chest as her arms around his waist tightened and her knees moved up his making him widen his eyes. But his hand, his very naughty hand went down her arm slowly. She rubbed her nose on the base of his neck groaning at the disturbance.


Grinning more wide, he bent down to her ears letting his hot breath play with her baby hairs there while his hand went more down and held her on the small of her back just above her curve.


He whispered blowing air. Her arms tightened more around him in response as her lips made contact to the base of his neck when she pouted in irritation.

"Wake up!"

"No! Let me sleep for some more time Bava.."

"If it was up to me, we can be like this for the whole day or whole life. I don't mind. But didn't athaiyya say that today morning you should go to temple?"

Vennela suddenly sat up not noticing the sheet that was around her saving her from the naughty gaze of her husband has fallen. She held her head.

"Oh no! Now she will come shouting for not waking up early and for not being responsible!"

She kept ranting while Jai lay there enjoying the view with a smile on his face.



She turned irritated.

"Mind getting ready instead of ranting?"

Vennela gasped and was about to jump down when she was tugged. She fell on his chest. He held her cheeks and let his thumbs caress them as he looked into her eyes. Grinning he pulled her, crashed his lips to her catching her in surprise. Her arm held his shoulders and other held went to his cheeks and went above but stopped on his ear, his soft spot.

When he left her, her already messed hair was more messed. He looked satisfied seeing her hair partition that held the sign of her being his. But he also grinned seeing it smudged over her forehead. She looked at him wide eyed.

"Never once thought you to be so.."

"Now now.. If you don't cover yourself and leave soon, you are not going to leave anytime soon."

Scowling, she smacked him once and holding the sheet to her body, she ran around the room, gathering her clothes and his too. She gave him the Panche and Shirt as she went to the corner to dress up. He too chuckling wore his clothes and looked around grinning as he saw the bed crinkled beyond repair and Vennela's saree was in better state because it was discarded in advance. But his panche had a bad fate. He shook his head chuckling and saw Vennela trying to bun her hair. Her raised arms gave him a nice view of her exposed waist with the waist chain he gave shining there and he went crazy again. Without second thoughts, he sneaked his arm around her waist and let his face bury in her neck curve. She swatted his hands, but only after smiling and blushing to the roots of her hair.

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