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laying on her bed,

harry stared up at

her ceiling,

counting the stars

they glued when

they were younger

while kaylee

rummaged through

her belongings in

search of a record.

“ah ha,” she said

pulling the disc

from its house,

placing it onto the


“who is it?” harry

asked, “just listen,”

she responded

joining him on her bed.

wrapping her arm

over his chest,

she cuddled into him,

burying her face in the

crook of his shoulder,

“don’t push me,”

she whispered,

“i just want to lay

with you.”

*                                                 *                                                *

Song on the side is what inspired this part. No, it is not the record that they are listening to. You'll discover the record, which is also the music he makes her turn off, in the next chp or so (': xx

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