Information on the New Gen?

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to clear up a few things, in case some of you are unsure what character is with whom and what they do with their lives🙃
-Katie x

Rose Granger-Weasley (@roseyposey)
•22 years of age•
•Extremely intelligent•
•Travels the world with Scorpious Malfoy•
Wants kids, but not for awhile.•
•Has a Healer degree•

Hugo Granger-Weasley (@hugodaweasel)
•20 years of age•
• Sarcastic, witty, doesn't care about people's opinions about him•
•Is gay and currently single•
•Lives at home, but is hoping to rent an apartment some time veryyy soon.•
Is interested in Human Rights (especially the LGBT community), interested in muggle fashion and design•
•Hopes to adopt kids someday•

James Potter (@jamess.potter)
23 years of age•
•In a relationship with Ella~Mora Malfoy (Bellatrix'es and Voldemort's daughter but she goes by "Malfoy.")•
•Currently expecting his first child with Ella•
•Lives with her in a small, London apartment but saving for a house•
•An auror•
•Protects his family•

Albus Potter (@albie.potter)
22 years of age•
•Straight, currently single•
Has no bloody clue what he's doing with life, but is quite interested in crime investigations in the muggle world.•
•Living at home, as he refuses to live alone although he can afford an apartment downtown.•
•Wants kids, but wants dogs more.

Lily Potter (@lilyluna_)
•20 years of age.•
•In a relationship with Lysander Scamander
Obsessed with animals, and training to be a muggle zoologist.•
•Wants to start a family, but feels like her brothers might kill Lysander.•
•Just moved into a small cottage home, not too far from the burrow.•

Teddy Lupin (@teds.lup)
•25 years of age•
•In a relationship with Victorie Weasley•
•Expecting their first child•
•Just moved into a new 4-bedroom house•
•Parents died when he was young, the Potters took him in.•
•Hair changes colour a lot.•
•Loves tattoos (currently has 5.)•

Scorpious Malfoy (@scorpmal_)
22 years of age•
•In a relationship with Rose Weasley•
•Travelling the world (#theadventuresofscorose) 🤦🏼‍♀️
•Is very protective of his younger cousin Ella, as his parents took her in when she was a baby•
•Is trying to fix his relationship with Teddy Lupin•
•Constant rivalry with James Potter, although he's best friends with Albus.•

Ella Mora Malfoy (@_ellamora_)
•22 years of age.•
• In a relationship with James Potter.•
•Expecting their first child.•
•The daughter of  Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, but bitterly hates their dead bodies, and grew up with the Malfoys. (Changed her surname too!)•
• Desperately wants the Weasley clan to like her•
•Dislikes when people judge her by her family background•
•Extremely smart, was Rose's biggest rival in Hogwarts.•

Molly Weasley (@mollydolly)
25 years of age•
•In a relationship with Gracelyn Goyle.•
•Hopes to adopt a little baby from Asia sometime very soon.•
Is planning to marry Gracie.•
•Training to be a social worker for children in care.•

Lucy Weasley (@littlelucy)
Nearly 15 years of age•
•Just entered a relationship with Frank Longbottom.•
•Has a quirky imagination•
•Extremely witty•
•Loves muggle technology and everything to do with it•

Victorie Weasley (@vicweas)
•25 years of age•
•In a relationship with Teddy Lupin, currently expecting their first child•
•Lives in her own home, with Teddy•
•Plays professional Quidditch, but is pregnant so taking time off.•
•Looks very like her mother, Fleur.•

Dominique Weasley. (@dommweas)
•23 years of age.•
•Has a big secret which will be revealed soon enough.•
•Fashion and beauty vlogger/blogger.•
•Loves kids•
•Obsessed with drama and everything with it.•

Louis Weasley (@louis.weaslayy)
22 years of age•
•In a relationship with Alice Longbottom•
•They have recently rented out their own penthouse•
•Doesn't want kids for awhile.•
•Quite mischievous with Freddie and James.•
•Terrified of Professor Longbottom (as you can guess why.) •
•CEO of Weasley merchandise, which sells history books on the Potter/Weasley clan. (He basically sells out his family.)•
•Quite big on YouTube, records his daily life.•

Roxanne Weasley (@roxieW_)
22 years of age•
Fraternal twin to Freddie Weasley.•
•Currently single but has an on/off relationship with Lucas Zabini.•
•Studying muggle teaching•
•Obsessed with healthy food and protein•
•Wants a turtle•

Fred(die) Weasley (@fredJR)
•22 years of age.•
•Fraternal twin to Roxanne Weasley•
•Single, and enjoying every minute of partying•
•He refers himself as the "biggest playboy in the family."•
•Works at various nightclubs as a bartender/DJ.•
•Loves to mess around and joke.•
•Proud to carry his uncle's name.•

(We wont see these characters post as much.) Side Characters.

Alice Longbottom Junior (@AliceLB)
22 years of age•
•In a relationship with Louis Weasley•
•Live in a rented penthouse•
•Vlogs her daily life.•
•Has her own mini-business for womens clothes.•
•Is scared her dad, Neville hates Louis.•
•Loves modelling and makeup•

Frank Longbottom Junior (@frankieee)
Just turned 15•
•Just entered a new relationship with Lucy Weasley•
•Scared of the Weasleys and Potters as Lucy is the youngest.•
•Quiet, sensitive•
•Argues constantly with Louis over his sister Alice and their relationship.•

Lysander Scammander (@lysander.scam)
•22 years of age•
•Identical twin to Lorcan Scammander•
•In a relationship with Lily Potter.•
•Lives with her in a small cottage.•
Desperately wants to start a family, but fears the Potter boys.•
•Obsessed with animals, training to be a zoologist (with creatures from the Wizarding world.)•
•Grandchild of Newt Scammander.•

Lorcan Scammander (@lorcan.scam)
•22 years of age•
•Identical twin to Lysander Scammander.•
•Travels the world alone, talks to strangers and gathers their stories.•
•Loves listening to other peoples journeys.•
•Grandson of Newt Scammander•

Gracelyn Goyle (GracieGoyle)
25 years of age•
•In a relationship with Molly Weasley•
•Planning to adopt a child from Asia•
•Planning to marry Molly soon•
•Loves cooking/baking•
•Beginning to start her own cookbook•
•Posts her recipes on her blog•
•Extremely creative•

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