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“We need guidance, we've been misled. Young and hostile, but not stupid.” – Anthem Part 2, Blink-182

Nereza’s P.O.V

Bleugh, history sucks. I ignored the teacher and instead I tapped my pencil quietly on my desk, I hummed a song in time to it. Currently we were learning about medieval Japan; I mean ninjas and samurais are extremely epic but learning about them is just overrated. I felt something light hit the back of my head and I spun around to see Laura McAllister and her sickly smile staring at me.

“What?” I hissed at her, she pointed to the ball of paper that she had thrown at me and I bent down to pick it up. I was clearly going to regret this; Laura was a complete bitch to me always.

I opened it and read what she had written ‘Mr. Cross is a fucking retard!! C:’ Lovely.

I was about to throw it back when Laura raised her hand and yelled “Mr. Cross, Nereza’s got a note!” happily.

Mr. Cross came over and snatched the paper from my hand, guess who has detention now thanks to queen slut. The teacher glared at me “Nereza, detention.” Was all he said before storming off.

“Sucks for you freak.” I heard Laura giggle behind me.

I growled slightly before resuming what I was doing before Laura interrupted me.

Harley’s P.O.V

“Dude come on, just one?”

I glared over at Jacob who leaned against the brick wall staring at me; he couldn’t a handle a smoke. He was just some stupid Nancy boy. “No, they’re mine. Get your fucking own.” I growled back and took another drag of the cigarette.

Jacob rolled his eyes as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned to leave “Whatever man, fuck you.” He mumbled and walked off back into the school.

I smirked at my small victory and flicked the cigarette away as I finished it. I sat there against the wall for about 5 minutes before Ms. Moore rounded the corner and saw me; she took a sniff of the air before raising her eyebrows at me.

I raised my hands “Wasn’t me Miss I swear, Jacob was here with a pack a while ago.” I lied and shrugged my shoulders.

“Harley, don’t let me catch you again or I will tell the principle, detention” she told me before walking past me and through the door Jacob went past.

Joshua’s P.O.V


I turned around and saw Samuel waving his hand at me; I grinned and walked up to him.

“Hey man, you done the chemistry homework?” I asked him before he nodded; I followed him down the hall towards our chemistry room. We passed the football team who were currently crowed together laughing at something. I told Sam to keep going and I quietly walked over to where they were, slipping through them all I saw Daniel, one of my friends, being kicked by another jock. He was grunting in pain and had huddled himself into the fetal position, his bag hanging from a loud speaker.

“Stop it!” I yelled as I tried to help up Daniel but unfortunately my rather small size had meant I was easy pickings for these huge muscle-heads.

“Looks like we got another nerd here!” one of them yelled before raising his fist at me, suddenly a teacher’s shrill voice rang out across the corridor.

“What do you think you are doing?” I recognized the voice as Ms. Stanley’s; she was extremely strict and scary as hell. Apparently the jocks thought so too as they quickly cleared out leaving me next to a groaning Daniel and some jock leaning against the locker, he had a phone in his hand and were oblivious to where his friends had gone. “Joshua and Dominic!” Ms. Stanley shouted as she neared seeing Daniel on the ground next to me.

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