give it all pt. 7

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hey guys, i really wanna thank you for all of your support through this!

i honestly dont like this story, but seeing your comments and seeing all the new fans i get, well, it makes me wanna write mroe :]

im just a people pleaser ;D

haha jk. but thanks guys :]

heres part 7, i think youll like it ;]



I sighed. Telling Kali everything like I had... I shocked myself. I'm not the kinda guy who shares all of his mushy feelings like that. This girl, she's just something else. She makes me want to tell her my life story, my fears, my insecurities, everything. Something about her made her seem trustworthy. She doesn't know the other side of me. Well, who I USED to be, before she came in and changed my life. I used to be the big badass of our pack. I was feared by most, respected by all. I didn't let anyone in the way I did to Kali. I WAS happy with my badass- self, not long ago. But now, I can't imagine myself any other way.

I don't know what the hell this girl has done to my heart, and I honestly don't care.

As long as she doesn't leave. Part of me feels 'right'. That this is how everything is supposed to go. The other part, well, he's hungry. That's why I'm out here in the dense forest. I'm a wolf, I HAVE to hunt. I like human food. But I also love the thrill of the hunt. So, that's what led me here, far away from Kali, so I could hang with the guys. They were pretty freaked when they heard all of my thoughts... haha, lets just say they weren't very... me. So I'm meeting them out here and we're all gonna go for a hunt. I feel horrible for leaving Kali, but I can still hear her thoughts, so I guess I'll manage.

All of a sudden, a huge grin came along and plastered itself onto my face. Kali and I just finished a conversation. I have to admit, I felt a huge pang of guilt when I told her I was at a meeting. We made plans, though, to hang out when I got home. But God, did I wanna play Halo. I felt like t-bagging some losers, gimme a break. But none of that brought this damn stupid smile on my face. What Kali was thinking did.

'Is this a crush, if anything? Or am I falling in love with him?'

"Hey dipshit, get that damn grin off your face, its just us." called my Beta, Ethan. That guy, well, he's somethin else. He and I have been best buddies since we were kids. We grew up right next door to each other, a few miles away from where we are now. He was always at my side, no matter what.

I slapped him on the back and scowled. "What? I'm just so excited to see you. Can't a guy wanna see his friends?" I chuckled.

I heard someone else snort. "Dude, stop being such a fag." Luke. He's pretty cool too. He looks like a kid, but he's strong. Really strong.

"Yeah, seriously, we can all hear your thoughts, remember? You're thinking about that new girl. What's her name again?" Damn you, Aspen.

I felt a growl rumbling in my chest, and it came out when I said her name. "Kali. Her name is Kali."

The guys all laughed hysterically at my possessive anger. God, what was this girl doing to me?

"Alright, alright guys. Lets give this heartbroken fella a break. He's in love. He can't control his stupidity." Ethan chuckled, clapping a hand on my back.

"Thanks," I murmured, "but, can we hunt now? If you guys wanna stand around and have social hour, that's cool. But I wanna hunt."

One of the other guys from the pack, Aspen, roared with laughter. "Hey look guys, Logan's still got a pair! He's still a guy!"

I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Now shut up and hunt." With that, I jumped forward, shifting into my wolf form, and my paw padded against the forest floor as I ran. Not more than a couple seconds later, I heard the rest of the guys' paws hit the floor, too.

I inhaled deeply, the smell of the forest almost intoxicatingly refreshing. The musky smell, mingled with the smell of the plantlife, was started the adrenaline rush I needed to hunt. It smelled like home.


okay guys, i dunno if you all want a hunting scene in here. tell me in a comment, and if you want it, ill come back and add on in right here. i DO have a scene in mind, but do you think it would be a waste of time? im not sure.

oh, and, as of right now, this is What's Hot #215, so.....

ive decided to enter this story into the Watty Awards.

therefore, now mroe than ever, i need your guyses votes, comments, fans, advertising, everything. i need your support :]

okay, ill let you get back to the story now.


Shit. Its past midnight now. I forgot about Kali. She isn't mad, though. She's out cold.

I shut the front door behind me gently, locking it securely. I have no need to lock it, but its a habit. I heard Kali snoring softly, but it was more of a sigh than a snore. Needless to say, it was enough to break my heart. I walked into her room quietly, unable to resist the temptation. She had the stuffed wolf I gave her curled up to her chest, the rest of her curled into a ball. She looked so cute.

//Awwww! Logans in love!// the guys thought into my head.

/Yeah, shut the hell up./

The chuckled and obeyed.

I pushed a couple of strands of hair out of Kali's face, leaned down, and kissed her forehead gently. She looked amazing in my shirt.

"Good night, beautiful."


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