*late at night at Celestia and Solaris' School of Gifted Unicorns*
*Twilight and Dusk are on a podium giving a speech*
Twilight: *smiles calmly* If somepony had told us when we were blank flanks that one day we'd give a speech to a class at Celestia's and Solaris' School of Magic, we wouldn't have believed it, but...*stops as she shuffles the cards*
Dusk: We hope that we have been up to the task, because we can tell that all of you are and that the future of Equestrian magic is in good hooves.
Spike/Barbra: [clapping] *grins nervously* Wow, hehe. That was even better than the first eleven times. [clears throat]
Twilight: *concerned* Eh, I don't know, guys.
Dusk- *concerned* We'd like to be able to get through the whole speech without looking at the cards.
Spike: *grins* Come on, Twilight! Dusk!
Barbra- *grins* You guys can't be nervous about giving a speech to a bunch of magic students!
Twilight: Oh, we're not nervous, but we do have to set a good example, especially for magic students.
Dusk- *arches eyebrow with a smirk* That's why this speech has to be...
Spike/Barbra: [sighs] Perfect?
Twilight/Dusk: *calmly* Exactly. Let's go through it one more time. [clears throat] When Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris asked us to speak to you today, we were honored to have the opportunity to talk about our favorite subject: magic.
*Spike and Barbra lay back bored*
*the next morning at the real presentation*
*Lyra, Harpsy, Dolphin Daze, and Sea Swirl rush to get inside*
Twilight/Dusk: *speaking* Obviously, the long term effects of...
*they take their seats*
Audience Pony: Shhhh.
Dolphin Daze/Sea Swirl- *confused*
*Twilight and Dusk are showing a slide with the CMC and their new cutie marks*
Twilight Sparkle: ...the simultaneous acquisition of cutie marks has yet to be determined, but... [sips water]
Dusk- *calmly* Ahem. Next slide, please.
*they look to the audience to see Spike and Barbra sleeping next to the projector*
Spike/Barbra: [snoring]
Moondancer/Lunar- *sweetly wakes them up*
Spike/Barbra- *wakes them up* Huh? Huh! *changes the slide*
*the slide shows Spike and Barbra with drinks relaxing at the beach*
*the correct slide shows a picture of the Mane 6, Colt 6, Spike, and Barbra*
Twilight: We can speak from our own experience that the power of Cutie Mark Magic is very real, and in the instance of our friends and us, it can be traced to a single event!
Dusk- *calmly explains* Without Rainbow Dash's and Rainbow Blitz's race to defend Fluttershy's and Butterscotch's honor, this rainboom wouldn't have happened.
Twilight- *calmly* Fluttershy and Butterscotch might never have discovered their love of animals.
Dusk- Applejack and AJ might never have realized that they belonged on their farm.
Twilight- And Pinkie Pie and Bubble Berry might never have decided to leave theirs.
Dusk- *calmly* It must be hard to imagine Rarity and Elusive without their sense of fabulousness.
Twilight/Dusk- *looks at each other calmly* But it's even harder to fathom what our lives would be like.
Twilight- Without this rainboom, we might not have gotten into magic school.
Dusk- *looks at Spike and Barbra warmly* We wouldn't have hatched the best assistants in Equestria.
Audience- Awww...
Spike/Barbra- *nearly at tears happily*
Twilight- *nods* Celestia and Solaris wouldn't have taken us on as their pupils or us to Ponyville to meet our friends. *smiles calmly* (Wish you two were here with us...)
Dusk- And the most powerful thing about Cutie Mark Magic that we found is the connection we share with them.
*they both look around the audience and see proud unicorns and spots two specific unicorns with purple and turquoise manes with star cutie marks*
*Twilight and Dusk blink and they disappear*
Twilight: *lights horn* * concerned* But, um... *looks through the cards*
Dusk- *lights horn* *squints closely* *concerned*
[cards shuffling]
Twilight/Dusk: *calmly* The real question about... Cutie Mark Magic is...who it seems to affect.
*everypony claps happily*
The Eclipsing Obscurity Of Time
FanfictionStarlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam return for revenge against Twilight and Dusk and casts a spell that changes the course of Equestria's history, Twilight and Dusk try to stop the two from changing history, but due to the events they get caught up...