Chase Me.

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Lu here! I decided to add to our profile and transfer some of our stories from onto here. Just a oneshot I wrote a while ago.

Arthur grit his teeth as he tried to settle his stomach, staring out of the dull glass of the school bus that jerked almost violently every time the driver raced over a speed bump. It was almost like he was trying to kill them.

But it wasn't the ride that nauseated him - it was the people. Teenagers, some not even that, some the same age as him. Racing up and down the aisles, shoving each other around like rag dolls, just plain immature - hell, they smashed cake all over the seats the other day. The driver kicked two of them off because of it, yet they still behaved like animals.

It was ridiculous, it was like something out of an American cartoon only worse. Everyday – arguments, water fights, shouting abuse to the general public out of the window, he'd even been sat on a couple of times! And was it really necessary to scream at the top of your lungs?

Honestly, most of them were younger than him and he was afraid of them. He hated it, he was on his own – if he said something, he'd be their next target. If he reported it, someone would find out. Usually he would at least try to block it out with music, but Peter had broken his earphones which is why he was so on edge.

These people had his anxiety screaming in his ears, telling him to hurry up and get home. He wanted to, he really did. These people made his stomach turn and his head spin. He hated his neighbourhood and he hated this bus. No wonder the driver went way over the speed limit. Bloody wankers.

Apparently someone had noticed his distress, or maybe it was his lack of earphones. Either way, he was relieved when his annoying American friend(?) gave up on trying to calm the younger kids and took up the seat beside him. If he wasn't alone, it would make him less of a target – this calmed him, even if it was just a bit.

But then he noticed Alfred's appearance...

"Alfred! What the bloody hell happened to you?!" horror and rage flooded the young man's tone.

Alfred winced as he accidentally poked himself in the eye when the bus jerked over another speed bump. "Give me a sec, dude! I just gotta get this contact out!"

Arthur just sat helplessly as he studied the younger's image – ripped shirt, bloodshot eyes, messed up hair and the superhero badges on his bag scribbled out with black sharpie, along with the badges on his leather jacket. He waited until Alfred had removed his contact lenses and had the glasses out of his bag, firmly on his face – thank bloody god they weren't broken. He spoke in a low tone, voice laced with a deep concern, "Alfred, what happened?"

Said blonde turned to meet the elder's gaze, for a moment he looked like a bullied 5 year old that could burst out crying at any second. But it was the look of concern on Arthur's face that made him shove the tears and emotions back down. Instead he let out a light chuckle, trying to lighten the mood and pass it off as nothing.

His friend wasn't convinced though, he'd seen Alfred cry before and he knew when he was trying not to. He could hear the sadness behind that forced laugh. It hardly ever happened but it hurt to hear. However, Alfred proceeded to avoid his question. "Dude, you don't need to act so serious. I'm fi-"

He was silenced when he met that glare. "Alfred..."

The atmosphere changed after that, Alfred let out a sigh and clenched his fists. He growled out his words in a lowly whisper so nobody else would hear. "Those bastards pinned me down, okay? They said what was the point in trying to get the younger kids to sit down when I'm just a kid myself for liking fiction – then they drew on my bag. Then they called me fake for wearing contacts and tried to take them out so I'd be like everyone else." He looked down at himself, "I guess they ripped my shirt too..."

Chase Me: A USUK Oneshot.Where stories live. Discover now