1: Remembrance

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He sits on the bench, eyes closed, thinking deeply. No one knew if Matthew Patrick killed those kids but he has been the main suspect for a decade. It was difficult since there was no actual evidence against him completely. There were witnesses to his destructive personality but unfortunately, none of them were related to the murders. He fit the profile, but there was nothing.

Nothing but footage. That footage could only incriminate so much. He had disappeared after that and had not been found.

He sighs, putting down the old newspaper titled "Kids vanish at local pizzeria- bodies not found", down into his folder. He taps his fingers as he thinks even more.

It's impossible to just disappear like that.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Picking up the phone, he says, "Hello?"

"Hey, I have got some news that will surely interest you," the person on the phone hesitated, "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza burned down in LA. You won't believe who was arrested"

Sitting up quickly, the papers he had been reading slipped from his lap and littered the ground.

"Karl," he said firmly. He did not like the waiting game Karl tended to do.


His heart began to race, part of him was almost happy that something had finally happened. Someone had to have been hurt, which was the sacrifice that had to be made if Matthew was going to be caught. That is a brutal thought but all that mattered was he was caught.

"Alert the FBI. We need to get to LA. I know Matt. He's manipulative, cunning, and won't stop until he gets what he wants. He's dangerous" he replied.

"Congratulations P" and Karl ended the call.

P was a nickname Karl gave him after some time of them meeting. Over time, he got used to it and wasn't sure if he liked hearing his name. He had been through a lot that made it uncomfortable. Even if the nickname reminded him of the past, he would prefer if he was in full control of how his name was being used. He took some inspiration from a friend he used to have, although this friend was one of the reasons he has become disconnected from his name.

He's traveled through different dimensions and has seen great things. P was originally from the one he's currently in. He decided to stay as some of the cases he's worked on became too much for him. People have died because of him and that is something he can't have happen anymore. The missing children's case would be his last.

Knowing that LA would be the place to continue his investigation, P picked up everything and walked out of the park he had been in. It was overwhelming to walk through the streets of Boston. It was often crowded, which happens when it is a big city and tourist destination. People just pass by, not knowing who he is. He doesn't expect them to. He was wearing a hood after all. Other worlds know who he is but since he hasn't been here in many years, no one remembers. He wasn't popular when he was. Down one street and another, at a thinking pace, he makes it to his hotel. It made everything easier.

Once he reaches his floor, room 394, he sits and slides off the hood. He floofs his brown curls as they had been flattened under the hood. In his pocket was a letter that he never read. He didn't have the courage to do so. He carried the pain from the memory of who it came from. It was only one piece of paper but it was heavy. Their friendship was one of the most important things to him and as a result of the cases he's had to do, it was taken from him.


It's not the time to think about this.

Not wanting to get in trouble for not checking out in time, he gathers everything in his room and leaves. He ignored the employee who told him to have a good day. He didn't mean to be rude but he was becoming uncomfortable and needed to get out. Every time he went to a city, it was the same routine. It was normal for him that he stopped caring about where he stayed and those who surrounded him.

Karl had planned on picking him up to go to the Boston Airport. He waited outside for the car they had rented and put his head into his hands. He became extremely overwhelmed and he had no idea why. Karl doesn't talk to him as he understands he needs some space for a little while.

"Do you mind if I ask a personal question?" Karl asks after seeing P had calmed down.

After no response, he continued, "I understand you want me to use a nickname but I wonder when–"

He's cut of, "Don't"

"I know you–"

"Just stop"

Karl was stunned at the coldness and harshness in P's voice. From then on, he stopped bugging him and drove quietly. It wasn't that long ago when certain events happened in another world. Sort of. It only took him less than a year to fall in love with someone. They died so easily. Even though he was there for 6 years in total, when he goes to another world, all the memories kind of speed up making it seem like it happened seconds before. He never bothered to explain how it worked to Karl because he didn't fully understand either.

He remembers all of it so clearly.

"I need to get a new sweater," he said.

Karl was used to this behavior. He didn't particularly like it but he didn't have the kind of trauma P had so Karl wasn't able to understand. He wished he would move on but he can't force that on anyone.

P enjoyed what he did as he was saving lives he didn't feel like it was what he wanted to do anymore. It is too much of a risk in losing people. He's watched many innocent people die as a result of his actions. It was his fault, no matter what Karl tried to say to him.

Matthew Patrick was an interesting individual. He doesn't have every file on him but he's mysterious. Suspected in killing over 11 children, now put in jail for murder and severe damage to property from arson. Matthew knows how to trick people and somehow stayed hidden over many years. How? What name did he use? He was very smart in the way of trust. He knows how to get people to trust him before he kills.

The file was incredibly frustrating from both the perspectives of the families that were affected and police investigating. The families who lost their loved ones deserved justice and answered for what happened. Some of the bodies were never found so those case files went cold and the victims were still labeled as missing. They knew Matthew had done it and wanted to see him pay for his crimes. But the police did (almost) everything right. With the evidence they had, it wasn't enough to convict him.

He must be found guilty



"I do miss them."

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